SVGTextPathElementBuilder Class

SVGTextPathElementBuilder class

Builder class for creating SVG ’textPath’ elements, which are used to align text to a path.

public class SVGTextPathElementBuilder : SVGElementBuilder<SVGTextPathElement>, 
    IBaseAnimationElementBuilder, ICompositeAttributeSetter, IDescriptiveElementBuilder, 
    IPaintServerElementBuilder, IShapeContentElementBuilder, ITextContentSetter


SVGTextPathElementBuilder()The default constructor.


Configurations { get; }


AddA(Action<SVGAElementBuilder>)Adds an ‘a’ (anchor) element configuration to the ’textPath’.
AddTSpan(Action<SVGTSpanElementBuilder>)Adds a ’tspan’ element configuration to the ’textPath'.
Attribute(string, string)
virtual Build(Document)
virtual Build(SVGTextPathElement)
Href(string)Sets the ‘href’ attribute, specifying a reference to a path element.
LengthAdjust(LengthAdjust)Sets the ’lengthAdjust’ attribute, specifying how text length adjustments are made.
Method(TextPathMethod)Sets the ‘method’ attribute, specifying the text layout method along the path.
Path(Action<PathBuilder>)Configures the path for the text.
Side(HorizontalEdge)Sets the ‘side’ attribute, specifying which side of the path the text is placed on.
Spacing(TextPathSpacing)Sets the ‘spacing’ attribute, specifying the spacing strategy for text along the path.
StartOffset(double, LengthType)Sets the ‘startOffset’ attribute, specifying the starting position of the text on the path.
TextLength(double, LengthType)Sets the ’textLength’ attribute, specifying the length of the text.

See Also