Class PageInfo

PageInfo class

Represents page setup data which is present in MPP file format and used for printing.

public class PageInfo


PageInfo()Initializes a new instance of the PageInfo class. Represents page setup data which is present in MPP file format and used for printing.


Footer { get; set; }Gets or sets an instance of the HeaderFooterInfo class which represents a footer data.
Header { get; set; }Gets or sets the instance of the HeaderFooterInfo class which represents a header data.
Legend { get; set; }Gets or sets an instance of the PageLegend class which specifies rendering options of page legend.
Margins { get; }Gets an instance of the PageMargins class which specifies page margins.
Name { get; }Gets the name of the view for which set-up data is used.
PageSettings { get; }Gets an instance of the PageSettings class which specifies page printing settings.
PageViewSettings { get; }Gets an instance of the PageViewSettings class which specifies page view printing settings.


Shows how to work with page info of MS Project view.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp");

// lets modify the default view
var info = project.DefaultView.PageInfo;

Console.WriteLine("Modify Page Info: " + info.Name);

// lets modify margins
info.Margins.Left = 10d;
info.Margins.Top = 10d;
info.Margins.Right = 10d;
info.Margins.Bottom = 10d;

// lets modify page settings
info.PageSettings.IsPortrait = true;
info.PageSettings.PaperSize = PrinterPaperSize.PaperA4;

// lets modify page view settings
// set a value indicating whether to print notes.
info.PageViewSettings.PrintNotes = true;

var header = new HeaderFooterInfo
    LeftText = "Left header text",
    CenteredText = "Centered header text",
    RightText = "Right header text"
var legend = new PageLegend
    LeftText =  "Left legend text",
    CenteredText = "Centered legend text",
    RightText = "Right legend text"
var footer = new HeaderFooterInfo
    LeftText = "Left footer text",
    CenteredText = "Centered footer text",
    RightText = "Right footer text"

info.Header = header;
info.Legend = legend;
info.Footer = footer;

// work with project...

See Also