Class PageLegend

PageLegend class

Represents a page legend which is used for project printing.

public class PageLegend


PageLegend()The default constructor.


CenteredImage { get; set; }Gets or sets the centered image to be displayed in the page legend.
CenteredText { get; set; }Gets or sets the centered text to display in the page legend.
LeftImage { get; set; }Gets or sets the left aligned image to be displayed in the page legend.
LeftText { get; set; }Gets or sets the left aligned text to display in the page legend.
LegendOn { get; set; }Gets or sets the pages on which the legend appears. Can be one of the values of the Legend enumeration.
RightImage { get; set; }Gets or sets the right aligned image to be displayed in the page legend.
RightText { get; set; }Gets or sets the right aligned text to display in the page legend.
Width { get; set; }Gets or sets the width of the legend.


Shows how to work with page legend information.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Blank2010.mpp");

// lets read page legend information
var legend = project.DefaultView.PageInfo.Legend;

Console.WriteLine("Legend left text: {0} ", legend.LeftText);
Console.WriteLine("Legend left image: {0} ", legend.LeftImage);
Console.WriteLine("Legend center text: {0} ", legend.CenteredText);
Console.WriteLine("Legend center image: {0} ", legend.CenteredImage);
Console.WriteLine("Legend right text: {0} ", legend.RightText);
Console.WriteLine("Legend right image: {0} ", legend.RightImage);
Console.WriteLine("Legend On: {0} ", legend.LegendOn);
Console.WriteLine("Legend Width: {0} ", legend.Width);

// also modification of a legend is supported
legend.LeftText = "New Left Text";

project.Save(OutDir + "WorkWithPageLegend_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.Mpp);

See Also