
RecurringInterval.Interval property

Gets or sets the recurring interval. Can be any value of Interval type.

public Interval Interval { get; set; }


Shows how to work with recurring interval of progress lines.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2007.mpp");
project.Set(Prj.StatusDate, project.Get(Prj.StartDate));

var view = (GanttChartView)project.Views.ToList()[1];

// lets read progress line
var interval = view.ProgressLines.RecurringInterval;

Console.WriteLine("Interval: " + interval.Interval);
Console.WriteLine("Weekly Week Number: " + interval.WeeklyWeekNumber);
foreach (var day in interval.WeeklyDays)
    Console.WriteLine("Week day: " + day);

// lets redefine recurring interval
var newInterval = new RecurringInterval();

// set a value indicating whether to show monthly progress lines by day.
interval.MonthlyDay = true;
// set the day number of monthly progress lines.
interval.MonthlyDayDayNumber = 1;
// set the month number of monthly progress lines.
interval.MonthlyDayMonthNumber = 1;
// set a value indicating whether to show progress lines by first or last predefined day.
interval.MonthlyFirstLast = true;
// set the first or the last day type of monthly progress lines.
interval.MonthlyFirstLastDay = RecurringInterval.DayType.Day;
// set the month number of progress lines, which are shown by first or last predefined day.
interval.MonthlyFirstLastMonthNumber = 1;

view.ProgressLines.RecurringInterval = newInterval;

project.Save(OutDir + "WorkWithRecurringInterval_out.pdf", SaveFileFormat.Pdf);

See Also