
CalendarException.WorkingTimes property

Gets or sets the WorkingTimeCollection object. The collection of working times that defines the time worked on the weekday. At least one working time must present, and there can’t be more than five.

public WorkingTimeCollection WorkingTimes { get; set; }


Shows how to get a working time of a calendar exception.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "CalendarExceptions.mpp");

var calendar = project.Calendars.ToList()[0];
var exception = calendar.Exceptions[0];

Console.WriteLine("Calendar Name: " + calendar.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Calendar Exception Count: " + calendar.Exceptions.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Calendar Exception Name: " + exception.Name);

var workingTime = exception.GetWorkingTime();
Console.WriteLine("Exception Working Time: " + workingTime);

foreach (var time in exception.WorkingTimes)
    Console.WriteLine("Working Time Start: " + time.From);
    Console.WriteLine("Working Time Finish: " + time.To);

See Also