
ResourceCollection.ToList method

Converts the ResourceCollection object to a list of Resource objects.

public List<Resource> ToList()

Return Value

List of Resource objects.


Shows how to work with resource collections.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "SampleProject.mpp");

// add empty resource
var resource = project.Resources.Add();
resource.Set(Rsc.Type, ResourceType.Work);

// add resource with a name
var developer = project.Resources.Add("Developer");
developer.Set(Rsc.Type, ResourceType.Work);

// add resource before the resource with specified ID
var manager = project.Resources.Add("Manager", developer.Get(Rsc.Id));
manager.Set(Rsc.Type, ResourceType.Work);

var devResource = project.Resources.GetById(4);
devResource.Set(Rsc.Code, "12345");

var manResource = project.Resources.GetByUid(4);
manResource.Set(Rsc.Code, "54321");

// get resource by id

Console.WriteLine("Print the resources of " + project.Resources.ParentProject.Get(Prj.Name) + " project.");
Console.WriteLine("Count of resources: " + project.Resources.Count);
foreach (var rsc in project.Resources)
    Console.WriteLine("Resource Name: " + rsc.Get(Rsc.Name));


// resource collections does not support Clear operation
// project.Resources.Clear();
// use next code sample instead
List<Resource> list = project.Resources.ToList();
foreach (var rsc in list)

See Also