
TimescaleTier class

Represents a single tier of the timescale on a Gantt Chart.

The TimescaleTier type exposes the following members:


TimescaleTier()Initializes a new instance of the TimescaleTier class.
TimescaleTier(unit, count)Initializes a new instance of the TimescaleTier class.


countGets or sets the time unit interval in which to show labels for the tier.
The default value is 1.
labelGets or sets date label DateLabel for the timescale tier.
alignmentGets or sets how to align labels within each time period of the tier (HorizontalStringAlignment).
uses_fiscal_yearGets or sets a value indicating whether to base the tier labels on the fiscal year.
show_ticksGets or sets a value indicating whether whether to show tick marks that separate time periods in the tier.
unitGets or sets timescale unit TimescaleUnit for the timescale tier.
The default value is
render_label_on_each_pageGets or sets flag that defines whether date labels should be rendered on each page when a time period spans over several pages.
If value is ’true’, when time period spans over several pages, date labels for the period are rendered on each page.
If values is ‘false’, date label is rendered only once according to a value of alignment property.

See Also