]Calendar class
Represents a calendar used in a project.
The Calendar type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
name | Gets or sets the name of the calendar. |
uid | Gets or sets the unique identifier of the calendar. |
week_days | Gets WeekDaysCollection for this calendar. The collection of weekdays that defines the calendar. |
exceptions | Gets CalendarExceptionCollection object. The collection of exceptions that is associated with the calendar. |
work_weeks | Gets WorkWeekCollections object. The collection of work weeks that is associated with the calendar. |
is_base_calendar | Gets a value indicating whether the calendar is a base calendar. |
base_calendar | Gets or sets the base calendar on which this calendar depends. Only applicable if the calendar is not a base calendar. |
is_baseline_calendar | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar is a baseline calendar. |
guid | Gets calendar’s Guid. |
Name | Description |
get_start_date_from_finish_and_duration(finish, duration) | Returns StartDate based on specified FinishDate and Duration. |
get_start_date_from_finish_and_duration(finish, duration) | Returns StartDate based on specified FinishDate and Duration. |
get_working_hours(start, finish) | Return working hours for the specified dates. |
get_working_hours(dt) | Return working hours for the specified dates. |
get_finish_date_by_start_and_work(start, work) | Calculates the date when the specified amount of work time will pass according to the calendar. |
get_finish_date_by_start_and_work(start, work) | Calculates the date when the specified amount of work time will pass according to the calendar. |
make_standard_calendar(calendar) | Creates default standard calendar. |
make_24_hour_calendar(calendar) | Makes a given Calendar to be a 24Hour Calendar. 24Hours Calendar is a Calendar in which every day of week is working with Round-the-clock working hours. |
make_night_shift_calendar(calendar) | Makes a given Calendar as Night Shift Calendar. |
delete() | Removes calendar from project. |
is_day_working(dt) | Determines whether the day is working day. |
get_task_finish_date_from_duration(task, duration) | Calculates the task finish date and time from its start date, split parts and the duration. |
get_working_times(dt) | Returns WorkingTimeCollection of working times for the specified date. |
get_previous_working_day_end(date) | Calculates previous working date end from the specified date. |
get_next_working_day_start(date) | Calculates next working day start from the date. |
See Also
- namespace aspose.tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks