
GroupCriterion class

Represents a criterion in a group definition.
The GroupCriterion object is a member of the GroupCriterionCollection collection.

The GroupCriterion type exposes the following members:


GroupCriterion()Initializes a new instance of the GroupCriterion class


ascendingGets or sets a value indicating whether a field used as a criterion in a group definition is sorted in ascending order. False if the field is sorted in descending order.
cell_colorGets or sets the color of the cell background for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
font_colorGets or sets the color of the font for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
fieldGets or sets the field being grouped by.
indexGets the index of a GroupCriterion object in the containing GroupCriterionCollection collection.
parent_groupGets the parent of the GroupCriterion object.
group_onGets or sets the type of grouping for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
patternGets or sets the pattern of the cell for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
start_atGets or sets the start of the intervals for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
group_intervalGets or sets the interval for a field used as a criterion in a group definition.
fontGets or sets the font for a criterion in a group definition.

See Also