
Project class

Represents a project.

The Project type exposes the following members:


Project()Initializes a new instance of the Project class.
Project(project_template, protection_password)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(project_template)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(stream, options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream
with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.
Project(stream)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream
with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.
Project(project_template, options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent MPP or MPT file)
with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.
Project(settings)Initializes a new instance of the Project class to read data from a database which is specified by the instance of the DbSettings class.
Project(stream, protection_password)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(project_template, options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file)
with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.
Project(stream, options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream
with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.


actuals_in_syncGets or sets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.
admin_projectGets or sets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.
are_editable_actual_costsGets or sets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.
authorGets or sets a value of Author.
auto_add_new_resources_and_tasksGets or sets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.
autolinkGets or sets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.
baseline_for_earned_valueGets or sets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.
calendarGets or sets a value of Calendar.
categoryGets or sets a value of Category.
commentsGets or sets a value of Comments.
companyGets or sets a value of Company.
creation_dateGets or sets a value of CreationDate.
critical_slack_limitGets or sets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.
currency_codeGets or sets a value of CurrencyCode.
currency_digitsGets or sets a value of CurrencyDigits.
currency_symbolGets or sets a value of CurrencySymbol.
currency_symbol_positionGets or sets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.
current_dateGets or sets a value of CurrentDate.
date_formatGets or sets a value of DateFormat.
custom_date_formatGets or sets a value of CustomDateFormat.
days_per_monthGets or sets a value of DaysPerMonth.
default_finish_timeGets or sets a value of DefaultFinishTime.
default_fixed_cost_accrualGets or sets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.
default_overtime_rateGets or sets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.
default_standard_rateGets or sets a value of DefaultStandardRate.
default_start_timeGets or sets a value of DefaultStartTime.
default_task_ev_methodGets or sets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.
default_task_typeGets or sets a value of DefaultTaskType.
duration_formatGets or sets a value of DurationFormat.
earned_value_methodGets or sets a value of EarnedValueMethod.
extended_creation_dateGets or sets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.
finish_dateGets or sets a value of FinishDate.
fiscal_year_startGets or sets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.
fy_start_dateGets or sets a value of FyStartDate.
honor_constraintsGets or sets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.
hyperlink_baseGets or sets a value of HyperlinkBase.
inserted_projects_like_summaryGets or sets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.
keep_task_on_nearest_working_time_when_made_auto_scheduledGets or sets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.
keywordsGets or sets a value of Keywords.
last_authorGets or sets a value of LastAuthor.
last_printedGets or sets a value of LastPrinted.
last_savedGets or sets a value of LastSaved.
managerGets or sets a value of Manager.
microsoft_project_server_urlGets or sets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.
minutes_per_dayGets or sets a value of MinutesPerDay.
minutes_per_weekGets or sets a value of MinutesPerWeek.
move_completed_ends_backGets or sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.
move_completed_ends_forwardGets or sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.
move_remaining_starts_backGets or sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.
move_remaining_starts_forwardGets or sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.
multiple_critical_pathsGets or sets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.
nameGets or sets a value of Name.
new_tasks_are_manualGets or sets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.
new_tasks_effort_drivenGets or sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.
new_tasks_estimatedGets or sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.
new_task_start_dateGets or sets a value of NewTaskStartDate.
project_externally_editedGets or sets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.
remove_file_propertiesGets or sets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.
revisionGets or sets a value of Revision.
save_versionGets or sets a value of SaveVersion.
schedule_from_startGets or sets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.
show_project_summary_taskGets or sets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.
splits_in_progress_tasksGets or sets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.
spread_actual_costGets or sets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.
spread_percent_completeGets or sets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.
start_dateGets or sets a value of StartDate.
status_dateGets or sets a value of StatusDate.
subjectGets or sets a value of Subject.
task_updates_resourceGets or sets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.
templateGets or sets a value of Template.
timescale_finishGets or sets a value of TimescaleFinish.
timescale_startGets or sets a value of TimescaleStart.
titleGets or sets a value of Title.
uidGets or sets a value of Uid.
update_manually_scheduled_tasks_when_editing_linksGets or sets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.
week_start_dayGets or sets a value of WeekStartDay.
work_formatGets or sets a value of WorkFormat.
guidGets or sets a value of Guid.
auto_calculate_assignment_costsGets or sets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.
default_viewGets or sets default view of the project.
vba_projectGets an instance of vba_project class.
display_optionsGets an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class.
calculation_modeGets or sets calculation mode of a project.
Can be one of the values of calculation_mode enumeration.
root_taskGets the root of the tree of tasks.
task_linksGets TaskLinkCollection object.
calendarsGets CalendarCollection object of this Project instance.
resourcesGets ResourceCollection object.
outline_codesGets OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object.
The collection of outline code definitions associated with a project.
resource_assignmentsGets ResourceAssignmentCollection object.
default_week_working_daysGets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times.
built_in_propsGets project’s built-in properties collection.
custom_propsGets project’s custom properties collection.
extended_attributesGets ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object.
The collection of extended attribute (custom fields) definitions associated with a project.
critical_pathGets a collection which contains a list of Critical tasks which comprise Critical Path of this project.
task_filtersGets all the task-based filter definitions.
TaskFilters is a collection of Filter objects.
resource_filtersGets all the resource-based filter definitions.
ResourceFilters is a collection of Filter objects.
viewsGets a list of View objects.
tablesGets a list of Table objects.
task_groupsGets all the task-based group definitions.
TaskGroups is a collection of Group objects.
resource_groupsGets all of the resource-based group definitions.
ResourceGroups is a collection of Group objects.
wbs_code_definitionGets or sets WBS Code Definition for the project.
ole_objectsGets a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.
primavera_propertiesGets an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file.


get_project_file_info(filename)Read project file info from the file.
get_project_file_info(stream)Gets project file info from the stream.
recalculate()Recalculates Start and Finish of resources.
recalculate(validate)Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.
save(filename, options)Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.
save(filename, format)Saves the project data to the file.
save(filename)Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.
save(stream, options)Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options.
save(stream, format)Saves the project data to the stream.
save_report(stream)Saves the project overview report to the stream.
save_report(file_name)Saves the project overview report to PDF file.
save_report(stream, report_type)Saves the project report of the specified type to the specified stream.
save_report(file_name, report_type)Saves the project report of the specified type in PDF format to the specified file path.
save_as_template(file_name, options)Saves the project as a template.
save_as_template(file_name)Saves the project as a template.
save_as_template(stream)Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.
save_as_template(stream, options)Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.
get_page_count(save_options)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions.
get_page_count()Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions.
get_page_count(scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale.
get_page_count(format)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days) and given PresentationFormat
get_page_count(format, scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PresentationFormat.
get_page_count(page_size, scale, start_date, end_date)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range.
get_page_count(page_size, scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range.
copy_to(another)Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.
copy_to(another, options)Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.
print()Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(options)Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(printer_name)Prints project to the specified printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(printer_settings)Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(printer_settings, document_name)Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(printer_settings, options)Prints project according to the specified printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(printer_settings, options, document_name)Prints project according to the specified printer settings, custom save options and the specified document name using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
set_baseline(baseline_type)Sets the baseline save time.
set_baseline(baseline_type, task_collection)
update_project_work_as_complete(complete_through, set_zero_or_hundred_percent_complete_only)Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project.
update_project_work_as_complete(complete_through, set_zero_or_hundred_percent_complete_only, task_collection)
reschedule_uncompleted_work_to_start_after(after)Reschedules uncompleted project work to start after a specified date.
reschedule_uncompleted_work_to_start_after(after, task_collection)
renumber_wbs_code()Renumber WBS code of all tasks.
get_duration(val)Gets Duration object with the specified number of units and default duration format which is defined in project’s settings None.
get_duration(val, time_unit)Gets Duration object with the specified number of TimeUnitType units.
get_duration(time_span, time_unit)Gets Duration object with the specified datatime value and specified TimeUnitType value.
select_all_child_tasks()Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task.
enumerate_all_child_tasks()Recursively enumerates all project’s tasks including root task.
get_predecessors(task)Returns a collection of task links which are predecessors of the specified task.
recalculate_resource_start_finish()Recalculates Start and Finish of resources.
recalculate_resource_fields()Recalculates Id, Start and Finish of resources.
remove_invalid_resource_assignments()Eliminates invalid resource assignments from the project resource assignments list.
get_baseline_save_time(baseline_number)Returns the baseline save time.
set_baseline_save_time(baseline_number, value)Sets the baseline save time.
get_work(val)Gets Duration object with the specified float value and default work format.

See Also