]Resource class
Represents a resource in a project.
The Resource type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
accrue_at | Gets or sets a value of AccrueAt. |
active_directory_guid | Gets or sets a value of ActiveDirectoryGuid. |
actual_cost | Gets or sets a value of ActualCost. |
actual_overtime_cost | Gets or sets a value of ActualOvertimeCost. |
actual_overtime_work | Gets or sets a value of ActualOvertimeWork. |
actual_overtime_work_protected | Gets or sets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. |
actual_work | Gets or sets a value of ActualWork. |
actual_work_protected | Gets or sets a value of ActualWorkProtected. |
acwp | Gets or sets a value of ACWP. |
assignment_owner | Gets or sets a value of AssignmentOwner. |
assignment_owner_guid | Gets or sets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. |
available_from | Gets or sets a value of AvailableFrom. |
available_to | Gets or sets a value of AvailableTo. |
bcwp | Gets or sets a value of BCWP. |
bcws | Gets or sets a value of BCWS. |
booking_type | Gets or sets a value of BookingType. |
budget_cost | Gets or sets a value of BudgetCost. |
budget_work | Gets or sets a value of BudgetWork. |
calendar | Gets or sets a value of Calendar. |
can_level | Gets or sets a value indicating whether CanLevel is set or not. |
code | Gets or sets a value of Code. |
cost | Gets or sets a value of Cost. |
cost_center | Gets or sets a value of CostCenter. |
cost_per_use | Gets or sets a value of CostPerUse. |
cost_variance | Gets or sets a value of CostVariance. |
created | Gets or sets a value of Created. |
cv | Gets or sets a value of CV. |
e_mail_address | Gets or sets a value of EMailAddress. |
finish | Gets or sets a value of Finish. |
group | Gets or sets a value of Group. |
guid | Gets or sets a value of Guid. |
hyperlink | Gets or sets the title or explanatory text of a hyperlink associated with a resource. |
hyperlink_address | Gets or sets the address for a hyperlink associated with a resource. |
hyperlink_sub_address | Gets or sets the specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a resource. |
id | Gets or sets a value of Id. |
inactive | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Inactive is set or not. |
initials | Gets or sets a value of Initials. |
is_budget | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsBudget is set or not. |
is_cost_resource | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsCostResource is set or not. |
is_enterprise | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsEnterprise is set or not. |
is_generic | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsGeneric is set or not. |
is_null | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsNull is set or not. |
is_team_assignment_pool | Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsTeamAssignmentPool is set or not. |
material_label | Gets or sets a value of MaterialLabel. |
max_units | Gets or sets a value of MaxUnits. |
name | Gets or sets a value of Name. |
notes_rtf | Gets or sets a value of NotesRTF. |
notes_text | Gets or sets a value of NotesText. |
overallocated | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. |
overtime_cost | Gets or sets a value of OvertimeCost. |
overtime_rate | Gets or sets a value of OvertimeRate. |
overtime_rate_format | Gets or sets a value of OvertimeRateFormat. |
overtime_work | Gets or sets a value of OvertimeWork. |
peak_units | Gets or sets a value of PeakUnits. |
percent_work_complete | Gets or sets a value of PercentWorkComplete. |
phonetics | Gets or sets a value of Phonetics. |
regular_work | Gets or sets a value of RegularWork. |
remaining_cost | Gets or sets a value of RemainingCost. |
remaining_overtime_cost | Gets or sets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. |
remaining_overtime_work | Gets or sets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. |
remaining_work | Gets or sets a value of RemainingWork. |
standard_rate | Gets or sets a value of StandardRate. |
standard_rate_format | Gets or sets a value of StandardRateFormat. |
start | Gets or sets a value of Start. |
sv | Gets or sets a value of SV. |
type | Gets or sets a value of Type. |
uid | Gets or sets a value of Uid. |
windows_user_account | Gets or sets a value of WindowsUserAccount. |
work | Gets or sets a value of Work. |
workgroup | Gets or sets a value of Workgroup. |
work_variance | Gets or sets a value of WorkVariance. |
parent_project | Gets parent project for this container. |
extended_attributes | Gets the values of an extended attribute. |
baselines | Gets a BaselineCollection instance for this object. The baseline values for a resource. |
outline_code | Gets an OutlineCodeCollection object. The value of an outline code. |
availability_periods | Gets a the instance of the AvailabilityPeriodCollection class. The collection of periods during which a resource is available. |
rates | Gets a the instance of the RateCollection class for this object. The collection of periods and rates associated with each one. |
assignments | Gets a collection of resource assignments for this object. |
timephased_data | Gets or sets an instance of TimephasedDataCollection class for this object. |
is_root | Gets the flag indicating whether resource is a root resource. Root resource is a special resource which is intended to support internals of MS Project’s formats and is not intended to be used directly from the user’s code. |
Name | Description |
get_timephased_data(start, end, timephased_type) | Returns an instance of the TimephasedDataCollection class for this object with the timephased_data values within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType. |
get_timephased_data(start, end) | Returns an instance of the TimephasedDataCollection class for this object with the timephased_data values within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType. |
equals(other) | Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified instance of the Resource class. |
delete() | Deletes a resource and its assignments from project. |
See Also
- namespace aspose.tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks