PdfDevice class

PdfDevice class

Implements the interface for outputting text and graphic content to PDF document.

Inheritance: PdfDeviceDevice

The PdfDevice type exposes the following members:


initCreates a new instance.
The output file will be written to the output working
directory taking the job name as a file name.
initCreates a new instance.
The output file will be written to specified stream.


page_countGets the number of pages.
is_readyShows if device is ready for output.
destination_nameGets destination name: output file name or device description.
strokeGets/sets the current stroke.
fillGets/sets the current fill.
stroke_opacityGets/sets the current stroke opacity.
fill_opacityGets/sets the current fill opacity.


initializeInitializes the device.
createCreates a copy of this device.
disposeDisposes this device instance. Finalizes this device instance graphics state,
i.e. switches APS composing context to the ApsCanvas of the level higher then this
device’s graphics state ApsCanvas.
start_documentStarts the whole document.
end_documentFinalizes the whole document.
start_pageStarts a new page.
end_pageFinalizes a page.
add_hyperlinkSet the hyperlink with a URI as its target.
set_transformSets the current coordinate space transformation.
set_clipSets the current clip path.
draw_pathDraws a path.
fill_pathFill a path.
show_imageShows a raster image.
add_bookmarkAdds the bookmark identified by the name.
start_fragmentStarts a fragment to rasterize.
end_fragmentEnds a fragment to rasterize.

See Also