Device class

Device class

Implements the interface for outputting text and graphic content to abstract device. Rendering is performed page by page.

The Device type exposes the following members:


page_countGets the number of pages.
is_readyShows if device is ready for output.
destination_nameGets destination name: output file name or device description.
strokeGets/sets the current stroke.
fillGets/sets the current fill.
stroke_opacityGets/sets the current stroke opacity.
fill_opacityGets/sets the current fill opacity.


initializeInitializes the device.
createCreates a copy of this device.
disposeDisposes the device.
start_documentStarts the whole document.
end_documentFinalizes the whole document.
start_pageStarts a new page.
end_pageFinalizes a page.
add_hyperlinkSets the hyperlink with a URI as its target.
set_transformSets the current coordinate space transformation.
set_clipSets the current clip path.
draw_pathDraws a path.
fill_pathFills a path.
show_imageShows a raster image.

See Also