Edit Ranges In Excel Worksheet

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for creating and managing spreadsheets, offering many features to control and secure data. One such feature is to allow users to edit specific ranges in a worksheet while protecting other parts. In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step to implement this functionality using Aspose.Cells for .NET, a popular library for working with Excel files programmatically.

Using Aspose.Cells for .NET will allow you to manipulate ranges in an Excel spreadsheet with ease, providing a user-friendly interface and advanced features. Follow the steps below to allow users to edit specific ranges in an Excel spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Make sure you have Aspose.Cells for .NET installed in your development environment. Download the library from Aspose official website and check the documentation for installation instructions.

Step 2: Initializing Workbook and Worksheet

To start, we need to create a new workbook and get the reference to the worksheet where we want to allow ranges to be changed. Use the following code to achieve this:

// Path to the documents directory.
// Create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir);
if (! exists)

// Instantiate a new workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

// Get the first worksheet (default)
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

In this code snippet, we first define the path to the directory where the Excel file will be saved. Next, we create a new instance of the Workbook class and get the reference to the first worksheet using the Worksheets property.

Step 3: Get Editable Ranges

Now we need to retrieve the ranges in which we want to allow modification. Use the following code:

// Get the modifiable ranges
ProtectedRangeCollection EditableRanges = Sheet.AllowEditRanges;

Step 4: Set Protected Range

Before allowing ranges to be modified, we need to define a protected range. Here’s how:

// Define a protected range
ProtectedRange ProtectedRange;

// Create the range
int index = ModifiableRanges.Add("r2", 1, 1, 3, 3);
rangeProtected = rangesEditable[index];

In this code, we create a new instance of the ProtectedRange class and use the Add method to specify the range to protect.

Step 5: Specify Password

To enhance security, you can specify a password for the protected range. Here’s how:

// Specify password
protectedBeach.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

Step 6: Protect the worksheet

Now that we have set the protected range, we can protect the worksheet to prevent unauthorized modification. Use the following code:

// Protect the worksheet

Step 7: Save the Excel File

Finally, we save the Excel file with the changes made. Here is the necessary code:

// Save the Excel file
workbook.Save(dataDir + "protectedrange.out.xls");

Sample source code for Edit Ranges In Excel Worksheet using Aspose.Cells for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
// Create directory if it is not already present.
bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir);
if (!IsExists)

// Instantiate a new Workbook
Workbook book = new Workbook();

// Get the first (default) worksheet
Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

// Get the Allow Edit Ranges
ProtectedRangeCollection allowRanges = sheet.AllowEditRanges;

// Define ProtectedRange
ProtectedRange proteced_range;

// Create the range
int idx = allowRanges.Add("r2", 1, 1, 3, 3);
proteced_range = allowRanges[idx];

// Specify the passoword
proteced_range.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

// Protect the sheet

// Save the Excel file
book.Save(dataDir + "protectedrange.out.xls");


Congratulation ! You learned how to allow users to edit specific ranges in an Excel spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can now apply this technique in your own projects and improve the security of your Excel files.


Q: Why should I use Aspose.Cells for .NET to edit ranges in an Excel spreadsheet?

A: Aspose.Cells for .NET offers a powerful and easy to use API for working with Excel files. It provides advanced features, such as range manipulation, worksheet protection, etc.

Q: Can I set multiple editable ranges in a worksheet?

A: Yes, you can define multiple editable ranges using the Add method of the ProtectedRangeCollection collection. Each range can have its own protection settings.

Q: Is it possible to delete an editable range after defining it?

A: Yes, you can use the RemoveAt method of the ProtectedRangeCollection collection to remove a specific editable range by specifying its index.

Q: How can I open the protected Excel file after saving it?

A: You will need to provide the password specified when creating the protected range to open the protected Excel file. Be sure to keep the password in a safe place to prevent loss of access to data.