Mastering Geometry Overlays with Aspose.GIS for .NET


In the realm of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), overlay operations are fundamental for spatial analysis. They enable the comparison and combination of different spatial datasets to derive valuable insights. Aspose.GIS for .NET provides robust functionalities for performing geometric overlays efficiently. In this tutorial, we will delve into various overlay operations such as Intersection, Union, Difference, and Symmetric Difference using Aspose.GIS for .NET.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

1. .NET Development Environment

Make sure you have a .NET development environment set up on your machine. You can download and install the .NET SDK from the .NET website.

2. Aspose.GIS for .NET Library

Download and install Aspose.GIS for .NET library from the website.

Import Namespaces

Before you can start using Aspose.GIS for .NET, you need to import the necessary namespaces into your project.

using Aspose.Gis.Geometries;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

Step 1: Create Polygon Objects

First, we’ll define two polygon objects representing spatial regions.

var polygon1 = new Polygon();
polygon1.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
	 new Point(0, 0),
	 new Point(0, 2),
	 new Point(2, 2),
	 new Point(2, 0),
	 new Point(0, 0),
var polygon2 = new Polygon();
polygon2.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
	new Point(1, 1),
	new Point(1, 3),
	new Point(3, 3),
	new Point(3, 1),
	new Point(1, 1),

Step 2: Perform Intersection Operation

Next, let’s find the intersection of the two polygons.

var intersection = polygon1.Intersection(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Intersection type is {0}", intersection.GeometryType); // Polygon

Step 3: Print Intersection Points

We’ll print the points of the intersection polygon.


Step 4: Perform Union Operation

Now, let’s find the union of the two polygons.

var union = polygon1.Union(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Union type is {0}", union.GeometryType); // Polygon

Step 5: Print Union Points

Print the points of the union polygon.


Step 6: Perform Difference Operation

Next, let’s find the difference between the two polygons.

var difference = polygon1.Difference(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Difference type is {0}", difference.GeometryType); // Polygon

Step 7: Print Difference Points

Print the points of the difference polygon.


Step 8: Perform Symmetric Difference Operation

Lastly, let’s find the symmetric difference between the two polygons.

var symDifference = polygon1.SymDifference(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Symmetric Difference type is {0}", symDifference.GeometryType); // MultiPolygon

Step 9: Print Symmetric Difference Polygons

Print the points of each polygon in the symmetric difference.

var multiPolygon = (IMultiPolygon)symDifference;
Console.WriteLine("Polygons count is {0}", multiPolygon.Count); // 2


Mastering geometry overlays is crucial in spatial analysis and Aspose.GIS for .NET provides a comprehensive set of tools to perform these operations efficiently. By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to utilize Aspose.GIS for .NET to perform intersection, union, difference, and symmetric difference operations on geometric shapes.


Q: Can I use Aspose.GIS for .NET in my commercial projects?

Yes, Aspose.GIS for .NET can be used in both commercial and non-commercial projects.

Q: Is there a trial version available for Aspose.GIS for .NET?

Yes, you can download a free trial version from here.

Q: How can I get support for Aspose.GIS for .NET?

You can get support from the Aspose.GIS community forum here.

Q: Are there any temporary licenses available for Aspose.GIS for .NET?

Yes, temporary licenses are available for testing and evaluation purposes. You can obtain them from here.

Q: Can I buy Aspose.GIS for .NET directly?

Yes, you can purchase Aspose.GIS for .NET from the website here.