Save to TIFF Image Using Image Save Options in OneNote


In this tutorial, you will learn how to save a document to a TIFF image format using different compression methods in Aspose.Note for Java. We will cover the prerequisites, importing packages, and provide a step-by-step guide for each compression method.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  • Aspose.Note for Java library downloaded and configured.
  • Basic understanding of Java programming language.

Import Packages

First, you need to import the necessary packages to your Java file:

import com.aspose.note.*;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

Step 1: Save to TIFF Using JPEG Compression

public static void SaveToTiffUsingJpegCompression() throws IOException {
    // The path to the documents directory.
    String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";

    // Load the document into Aspose.Note.
    Document oneFile = new Document(Paths.get(dataDir, "").toString());

    ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Tiff);
    options.setQuality(93);,"SaveToTiffUsingJpegCompression.tiff").toString(), options);
  • Load the document using Document class.
  • Create an instance of ImageSaveOptions and specify the TIFF compression type as JPEG.
  • Set the desired quality (optional).
  • Save the document to TIFF format using the specified options.

Step 2: Save to TIFF Using PackBits Compression

public static void SaveToTiffUsingPackBitsCompression() throws IOException {
    // The path to the documents directory.
    String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";

    // Load the document into Aspose.Note.
    Document oneFile = new Document(Paths.get(dataDir, "").toString());

    ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Tiff);
    options.setTiffCompression(TiffCompression.PackBits);, "SaveToTiffUsingPackBitsCompression.tiff").toString(), options);
  • Load the document using Document class.
  • Create an instance of ImageSaveOptions and specify the TIFF compression type as PackBits.
  • Save the document to TIFF format using the specified options.

Step 3: Save to TIFF Using CCITT Group 3 Fax Compression

public static void SaveToTiffUsingCcitt3Compression() throws IOException {
    // The path to the documents directory.
    String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";

    // Load the document into Aspose.Note.
    Document oneFile = new Document(Paths.get(dataDir, "").toString());

    ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Tiff);
    options.setTiffCompression(TiffCompression.Ccitt3);, "SaveToTiffUsingCcitt3Compression.tiff").toString(), options);
  • Load the document using Document class.
  • Create an instance of ImageSaveOptions and specify the TIFF compression type as CCITT Group 3 Fax.
  • Set the color mode to black and white.
  • Save the document to TIFF format using the specified options.


In this tutorial, you learned how to save a document to TIFF image format using different compression methods in Aspose.Note for Java. By following the step-by-step guide, you can efficiently utilize the capabilities of Aspose.Note to meet your requirements.


Q1: Can I use Aspose.Note for Java to convert other document formats to TIFF?

A1: Yes, Aspose.Note for Java supports conversion from various document formats to TIFF, including OneNote documents.

Q2: What is the significance of specifying the compression type when saving to TIFF?

A2: Specifying the compression type allows you to control the image quality and file size. Different compression methods offer trade-offs between quality and compression ratio.

Q3: Is Aspose.Note for Java suitable for batch processing of documents?

A3: Yes, Aspose.Note for Java provides APIs for batch processing, enabling you to automate document conversion tasks efficiently.

Q4: Can I customize the compression settings further?

A4: Yes, you can adjust parameters such as quality, resolution, and compression method to tailor the output according to your requirements.

Q5: Does Aspose.Note for Java offer technical support?

A5: Yes, Aspose provides comprehensive technical support through forums and ticket-based systems.