Create Numbered List in OneNote - Aspose.Note


Aspose.Note for Java empowers Java developers to seamlessly work with Microsoft OneNote files. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of crafting a numbered list in OneNote with the powerful Aspose.Note for Java library.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure the following prerequisites are in place:

  • Installed Java Development Kit (JDK) on your machine.
  • Aspose.Note for Java library downloaded from here.

Importing Packages

First, let’s import the necessary packages in your Java project to make the most of Aspose.Note functionalities. Include the following code in your project:

import java.awt.Color;
import com.aspose.note.Document;
import com.aspose.note.NumberFormat;
import com.aspose.note.NumberList;
import com.aspose.note.Outline;
import com.aspose.note.OutlineElement;
import com.aspose.note.Page;
import com.aspose.note.RichText;
import com.aspose.note.ParagraphStyle;

Step 1: Initializing Document, Page, and Outline Objects

// Your Document Directory
String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
// Create Document, Page, and Outline objects
Document doc = new Document();
Page page = new Page();
Outline outline = new Outline();
// Set default text style
ParagraphStyle defaultStyle = new ParagraphStyle()
Document doc = new Document();
Page page = new Page();
Outline outline = new Outline();

Step 2: Setting Default Text Style

ParagraphStyle defaultStyle = new ParagraphStyle()

Step 3: Creating Outline Elements

Now, let’s create the elements for your numbered list.

OutlineElement outlineElem1 = new OutlineElement();
outlineElem1.setNumberList(new NumberList("{0})", NumberFormat.DecimalNumbers, "Arial", 10));
RichText text1 = new RichText().append("First");
// Repeat for other elements (outlineElem2 and outlineElem3)

Step 4: Adding Outline Elements to Outline


Step 5: Adding Outline to Page


Step 6: Saving the Document

doc.appendChildLast(page); + "CreateNumberedList_out.pdf");
System.out.printf("File saved: %s\n", dataDir + "CreateNumberedList_out.pdf");

Follow these steps meticulously, and you’ll effortlessly create a numbered list in OneNote using Aspose.Note for Java.


In this tutorial, we explored the seamless process of creating a numbered list in OneNote using Aspose.Note for Java. The library’s robust features make it an invaluable tool for Java developers working with Microsoft OneNote files.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I customize the numbering format in my OneNote list?

A: Absolutely! You can customize the numbering format using the NumberList class provided by Aspose.Note for Java.

Q: Is there a trial version available for Aspose.Note for Java?

A: Yes, you can download a free trial here.

Q: How can I get support for Aspose.Note for Java?

A: Visit the Aspose.Note for Java forum for community support.

Q: Where can I find detailed documentation for Aspose.Note for Java?

A: Refer to the documentation for comprehensive information.

Q: How do I purchase a license for Aspose.Note for Java?

A: You can buy a license here.