Modify Page History in Aspose.Note


In the realm of document processing, Aspose.Note for .NET emerges as a robust tool, empowering developers to manipulate OneNote files effortlessly. One common task developers encounter is modifying page history within Aspose.Note documents. This tutorial elucidates the process step by step, guiding you through the necessary namespaces, prerequisites, and code snippets to effectively alter page history using Aspose.Note for .NET.


Before delving into modifying page history with Aspose.Note for .NET, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Import Namespaces

  1. Aspose.Note: Import this namespace to leverage the functionalities provided by Aspose.Note for .NET.
using System.IO;
using Aspose.Note;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

Let’s break down the process of modifying page history in Aspose.Note into manageable steps:

Step 1: Load the Document

Begin by loading the OneNote document into your application.

// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";

// Load OneNote document and get first child           
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "");

Step 2: Access Page History

Retrieve the page whose history you intend to modify.

Page page = document.FirstChild;
var pageHistory = document.GetPageHistory(page);

Step 3: Manipulate Page History

Perform the desired modifications to the page history.

pageHistory.RemoveRange(0, 1);

pageHistory[0] = new Page(document);
if (pageHistory.Count > 1)
    pageHistory[1].Title.TitleText.Text = "New Title";

    pageHistory.Add(new Page(document));

    pageHistory.Insert(1, new Page(document));

    document.Save(dataDir + "");


Modifying page history in Aspose.Note for .NET is a streamlined process facilitated by clear documentation and intuitive APIs. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can seamlessly manipulate page history within their OneNote documents, enhancing the flexibility and customization of their applications.


Q1: Is Aspose.Note for .NET compatible with different versions of OneNote files?

A1: Yes, Aspose.Note for .NET supports various versions of OneNote files, ensuring compatibility across different environments.

Q2: Can I revert changes made to page history using Aspose.Note for .NET?

A2: Aspose.Note for .NET provides functionalities to revert or undo changes made to page history, enabling developers to maintain document integrity.

Q3: Are there any licensing requirements for using Aspose.Note for .NET?

A3: Yes, users need to acquire appropriate licenses from Aspose to utilize Aspose.Note for .NET in commercial projects. However, temporary licenses are available for trial purposes.

Q4: Does Aspose.Note for .NET offer support for developers encountering issues?

A4: Yes, developers can seek assistance and guidance from the Aspose support forum dedicated to Aspose.Note for .NET.

Q5: Can I try Aspose.Note for .NET before making a purchase?

A5: Absolutely, developers can avail themselves of a free trial version of Aspose.Note for .NET to evaluate its features and suitability for their projects.