Extract Text from Table Cells in Aspose.Note


In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the process of extracting text from table cells using Aspose.Note for .NET. Tables are commonly used in documents to organize information, and being able to extract text from specific cells can be incredibly useful for various applications.


Before we proceed, ensure you have the following:

  • Basic knowledge of C# programming language.
  • Installed Visual Studio IDE.
  • Aspose.Note for .NET library installed.
  • Sample document containing tables (e.g., “Sample1.one”).

Importing Namespaces

Before we begin coding, let’s import the necessary namespaces to access the functionalities provided by Aspose.Note:

using System.IO;
using Aspose.Note;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

Step 1: Load the Document

Firstly, we need to load the document that contains the tables from which we want to extract text. Ensure you replace "Your Document Directory" with the actual path to your document directory.

string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "Sample1.one");

Step 2: Get Table Nodes

Next, we retrieve a list of table nodes from the loaded document.

IList<Table> nodes = document.GetChildNodes<Table>();

Step 3: Iterate Through Tables, Rows, and Cells

Now, we’ll loop through each table, row, and cell to extract the text.

foreach (Table table in nodes)
    foreach (TableRow row in table)
        foreach (TableCell cell in row)
            // Retrieve text from each cell
            string text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, cell.GetChildNodes<RichText>().Select(e => e.Text)) + Environment.NewLine;

            // Print the extracted text


In this tutorial, we’ve explored the process of extracting text from table cells using Aspose.Note for .NET. By following these steps, you can efficiently retrieve text from tables within your documents, enabling various applications such as data extraction and analysis.


Q1: Can Aspose.Note handle tables with merged cells?

A1: Yes, Aspose.Note can handle tables with merged cells seamlessly, allowing you to extract text accurately.

Q2: Is it possible to extract text formatting along with the text content?

A2: Absolutely, Aspose.Note provides rich functionalities to preserve text formatting during text extraction processes.

Q3: Does Aspose.Note support other document formats besides .one?

A3: Yes, Aspose.Note supports various document formats including .one, .onenote, .onepkg, and .pdf.

Q4: Can I customize the extraction process to include specific table cells only?

A4: Yes, you can customize the extraction process based on your requirements, allowing selective extraction of text from specific cells.

Q5: Is Aspose.Note suitable for both personal and commercial use?

A5: Yes, Aspose.Note offers licensing options suitable for both personal and commercial use, providing flexibility and scalability.