Create Title with MS Style in Aspose.Note


Are you looking to enhance your document creation process by adding Microsoft-style titles using Aspose.Note for .NET? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to create titles with MS style effortlessly. Aspose.Note for .NET is a powerful tool that enables developers to manipulate OneNote documents programmatically.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A working knowledge of C# and .NET development.
  • Aspose.Note for .NET installed in your development environment. Now, let’s get started with the step-by-step guide.

Import Namespaces

Firstly, ensure that you import the necessary namespaces to leverage the functionalities provided by Aspose.Note for .NET. Include the following namespaces in your code:

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Aspose.Note;

Step 1: Set Up Document Directory

Begin by specifying the path to your document directory. Replace “Your Document Directory” with the actual path in your project.

string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
string outputPath = dataDir + "";

Step 2: Create Document and Page

Instantiate a new Document and Page using Aspose.Note for .NET.

var doc = new Document();
var page = new Page(doc);

Step 3: Define Title in Microsoft OneNote Style

Now, create a title for your page in the Microsoft OneNote style. This involves setting up the title text, date, and time.

page.Title = new Title(doc)
    TitleText = new RichText(doc)
        Text = "Title text.",
        ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
    TitleDate = new RichText(doc)
        Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
        ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
    TitleTime = new RichText(doc)
        Text = "12:34",
        ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default

Step 4: Save Document

Save the document with the newly created title to the specified output path.


Step 5: Display Success Message

Inform the user that the page title has been set up successfully in the Microsoft OneNote style and provide the file’s saving location.

Console.WriteLine("\nPage title set up successfully in Microsoft OneNote style.\nFile saved at " + outputPath);

Now, you’ve successfully created a Microsoft-style title using Aspose.Note for .NET. Enhance your document generation process with this simple yet powerful feature.


Incorporating Microsoft-style titles into your documents has never been easier, thanks to Aspose.Note for .NET. By following this step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly integrate professional-looking titles, enhancing the visual appeal of your documents.


Can I customize the formatting of the title text?

Yes, you can customize the formatting of the title text by modifying the ParagraphStyle property.

Is Aspose.Note for .NET compatible with the latest .NET frameworks?

Yes, Aspose.Note for .NET is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest .NET frameworks.

Can I add additional elements to the page along with the title?

Absolutely, you can customize the page further by adding various elements using the Aspose.Note for .NET API.

How can I handle errors during the document creation process?

Utilize exception handling mechanisms in C# to catch and handle any potential errors that may occur during the document creation process.

Where can I find more examples and documentation for Aspose.Note for .NET?

Refer to the Aspose.Note for .NET documentation for detailed examples and comprehensive documentation.