Edit Existing Print Ticket with Aspose.Page for .NET


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on editing existing print tickets using Aspose.Page for .NET! Aspose.Page is a powerful library that allows developers to work with XPS documents effortlessly. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of editing print tickets with practical examples, breaking down each step for a seamless learning experience.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Basic knowledge of C# programming.
  • Visual Studio installed on your machine.
  • Aspose.Page for .NET library downloaded and referenced in your project.

If you haven’t already installed Aspose.Page for .NET, you can download it here.

Import Namespaces

To begin with, import the necessary namespaces into your C# project. This ensures that you have access to the Aspose.Page functionalities.

using Aspose.Page.XPS;
using Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsMetadata;
using Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsModel;
using System;
using System.Drawing;

Now, let’s break down the example code you provided into multiple steps.

Step 1: Set Document Directory

// The path to the documents directory.
string dir = "Your Document Directory";

Here, replace "Your Document Directory" with the actual path where your XPS documents are located.

Step 2: Open XPS Document with Print Tickets

// ExStart:3
XpsDocument xDocs = new XpsDocument(dir + "input3.xps");
JobPrintTicket pt = xDocs.JobPrintTicket;
// ExEnd:3

This step involves opening an XPS document and obtaining its JobPrintTicket.

Step 3: Remove Parameters from Job Print Ticket

// ExStart:4
// ExEnd:4

Remove unwanted parameters from the JobPrintTicket using the Remove method.

Step 4: Add Parameters to Job Print Ticket

// ExStart:5
	new JobCopiesAllDocuments(2),
	new PageMediaSize(PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeOption.ISOA4));
// ExEnd:5

Add desired parameters to the JobPrintTicket using the Add method.

Step 5: Save Document with Changed Job Print Ticket

// ExStart:6
xDocs.Save(dir + "output3.xps");
// ExEnd:6

Save the modified XPS document with the updated JobPrintTicket.

Repeat these steps for a hassle-free process of editing print tickets with Aspose.Page for .NET!


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to edit existing print tickets using Aspose.Page for .NET. This powerful library provides flexibility and ease in handling XPS documents, making it an invaluable tool for developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I use Aspose.Page for .NET with other document formats?

A1: Yes, Aspose.Page for .NET primarily focuses on XPS documents, but Aspose offers various libraries for different formats. Check their documentation for more details.

Q2: Is Aspose.Page for .NET compatible with .NET Core?

A2: Yes, Aspose.Page for .NET is compatible with .NET Core, providing flexibility in your development environment.

A3: Visit the Aspose.Page forum to get community support and connect with other developers.

Q4: Is there a free trial available for Aspose.Page for .NET?

A4: Yes, you can get a free trial here.

Q5: How can I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.Page for .NET?

A5: Visit this link to obtain a temporary license.