Convert PDFs to XPS Format

Introduction to Convert PDFs to XPS Format

In today’s digital age, document conversion is a common task, especially when dealing with PDFs. Converting PDFs to the XPS (XML Paper Specification) format can be essential for various purposes, such as printing or viewing documents. Aspose.PDF for Java is a powerful API that simplifies this conversion process. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to convert PDFs to XPS format using Aspose.PDF for Java.

What is Aspose.PDF for Java?

Aspose.PDF for Java is a Java library that allows developers to create, manipulate, and convert PDF documents in Java applications. It provides a wide range of features, including PDF to XPS conversion, making it a valuable tool for handling document formats efficiently.

Why Convert PDFs to XPS Format?

You might wonder why converting PDFs to XPS format is necessary. XPS is a fixed-layout document format developed by Microsoft, which makes it ideal for printing and archiving documents with consistent formatting. Some reasons to convert PDFs to XPS include:

  • Improved Printing: XPS files provide high-quality printouts with accurate page layouts.
  • Digital Signatures: XPS documents support digital signatures, enhancing document security.
  • Compatibility: XPS is supported on various platforms, ensuring consistent document rendering.

Now, let’s dive into the process of converting PDFs to XPS using Aspose.PDF for Java.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we start, you need to set up your development environment. Make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Aspose.PDF for Java library
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse)

Once you have these tools in place, you’re ready to proceed.

Loading a PDF Document

The first step is to load the PDF document you want to convert. Here’s a simple code snippet to do this:

// Load the PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document("input.pdf");

Replace "input.pdf" with the path to your PDF file.

Converting PDF to XPS

Now that we have our PDF document loaded, we can convert it to XPS format:

// Save the PDF as XPS"output.xps", SaveFormat.XPS);

This code snippet saves the PDF document as an XPS file named “output.xps.”

Customizing the Conversion

Aspose.PDF for Java allows you to customize the conversion process further. You can control various aspects of the output, such as page size, orientation, and image compression. For example:

// Customize the conversion
XpsSaveOptions saveOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();
saveOptions.setJpegQuality(90);"customized-output.xps", saveOptions);

In this example, we’ve set the JPEG image quality to 90%. You can explore more customization options in the Aspose.PDF for Java documentation.

Handling Errors

Error handling is crucial when dealing with document conversions. Aspose.PDF for Java provides robust error handling mechanisms to ensure a smooth conversion process. You can catch and handle exceptions to address any issues that may arise during conversion.

Performance Optimization

To optimize the performance of your PDF to XPS conversion, consider using multi-threading or batch processing for large document sets. Aspose.PDF for Java offers features to efficiently process multiple documents concurrently.


Converting PDFs to XPS format using Aspose.PDF for Java is a straightforward process that offers numerous benefits, including improved printing quality, enhanced security, and platform compatibility. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate this functionality into your Java applications.


How do I install Aspose.PDF for Java?

You can download the Aspose.PDF for Java library from the website and follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation.

Can I convert multiple PDFs to XPS in one go?

Yes, you can batch process multiple PDF files to convert them to XPS format using Aspose.PDF for Java. Check the documentation for details on batch conversion.

Is Aspose.PDF for Java suitable for commercial projects?

Absolutely! Aspose.PDF for Java is a robust solution suitable for both personal and commercial projects. It offers various licensing options to fit your needs.

Can I customize the appearance of the XPS output?

Yes, you can customize the XPS conversion output to control aspects like image quality, page size, and orientation. Refer to the documentation for customization options.

Are there any limitations to the PDF to XPS conversion?

The limitations may vary based on your license and the complexity of the PDF document. Check the documentation and licensing details for specific information on limitations.