Set Properties For Print Dialog

here’s a step-by-step guide for setting properties for the print dialog using Aspose.PDF for .NET:

Step 1: Define the directory where your PDF document is located:


Step 2: Create a new instance of the Document class:

using (Document doc = new Document())
  // Code here

Step 3: Add a new page to the document:


Step 4: Set the duplex property to DuplexFlipLongEdge:

doc.Duplex = PrintDuplex.DuplexFlipLongEdge;

Step 5: Save the document with the specified file name and format:

doc.Save(dataDir + "35297_out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

Example source code for Set Properties For Print Dialog using Aspose.PDF for .NET


using (Document doc = new Document())
	doc.Duplex = PrintDuplex.DuplexFlipLongEdge;
	doc.Save(dataDir + "35297_out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);


Aspose.PDF for .NET makes it easy to set properties for the print dialog in your PDF files. By following the step-by-step guide above, you can quickly optimize your PDF files for printing.


Q: Can I set other print dialog properties besides duplex mode using Aspose.PDF for .NET?

A: Yes, besides setting the duplex mode, Aspose.PDF for .NET allows you to set various other properties for the print dialog. Some examples include setting the print quality, page range, number of copies, paper size, and more. You can refer to the Aspose.PDF for .NET documentation to explore the full list of available properties.

Q: How can I set the print quality when printing the PDF document?

A: To set the print quality, you can use the PrintQuality property of the Document class in Aspose.PDF for .NET. You can choose from different print quality options such as high, medium, or low, based on your requirements.

Q: Is it possible to specify custom print settings for different pages in the PDF document?

A: Yes, you can set custom print settings for different pages in the PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. You can access individual pages through the doc.Pages collection and set specific print settings for each page separately.