Add Hyperlink In PDF File

Adding hyperlinks in PDF file allows you to create interactive hyperlinks to other pages, websites, or destinations in the document. With Aspose.PDF for .NET, you can easily add hyperlinks by following the following source code:

Step 1: Import required libraries

Before you begin, you need to import the necessary libraries for your C# project. Here is the necessary import directive:

using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.Annotations;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text;

Step 2: Set path to documents folder

In this step, you need to specify the path to the folder containing the PDF file you want to add a hyperlink to. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" in the following code with the actual path to your documents folder:


Step 3: Open the PDF document

Now we will open the PDF document to which we want to add a hyperlink using the following code:

Document document = new Document(dataDir + "AddHyperlink.pdf");

In this step, we will create a hyperlink using the LinkAnnotation annotation. We will specify the contact details and area of the link, the type of link and the content of the link. Here is the corresponding code:

Page page = document.Pages[1];
LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation(page, new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 100, 300, 300));
Border border = new Border(link);
border. Width = 0;
link. Border = border;
link. Action = new GoToURIAction("");

Step 5: Add additional text

In addition to the hyperlink, we can also add additional text using the FreeTextAnnotation annotation. We will specify coordinates, text appearance and text content. Here is the corresponding code:

FreeTextAnnotation textAnnotation = new FreeTextAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 100, 300, 300), new DefaultAppearance(Aspose.Pdf.Text.FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman"), 10, System .Drawing.Color.Blue));
textAnnotation.Contents = "Link to Aspose website";
textAnnotation. Border = border;

Step 6: Save the updated file

Now let’s save the updated PDF file using the Save method of the document object. Here is the corresponding code:

dataDir = dataDir + "AddHyperlink_out.pdf";
document. Save(dataDir);
// The path to the documents directory.
// Open document
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "AddHyperlink.pdf");
// Create link
Page page = document.Pages[1];
// Create Link annotation object
LinkAnnotation link = new LinkAnnotation(page, new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 100, 300, 300));
// Create border object for LinkAnnotation
Border border = new Border(link);
// Set the border width value as 0
border.Width = 0;
// Set the border for LinkAnnotation
link.Border = border;
// Specify the link type as remote URI
link.Action = new GoToURIAction("");
// Add link annotation to annotations collection of first page of PDF file
// Create Free Text annotation
FreeTextAnnotation textAnnotation = new FreeTextAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 100, 300, 300), new DefaultAppearance(Aspose.Pdf.Text.FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman"), 10, System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
// String to be added as Free text
textAnnotation.Contents = "Link to Aspose website";
// Set the border for Free Text Annotation
textAnnotation.Border = border;
// Add FreeText annotation to annotations collection of first page of Document
dataDir = dataDir + "AddHyperlink_out.pdf";
// Save updated document
Console.WriteLine("\nHyperlink added successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);            


Congratulation ! You now have a step-by-step guide to adding hyperlinks with Aspose.PDF for .NET. You can use this code to create interactive links in your PDF documents.

A: Adding hyperlinks to your PDF files enhances user experience by allowing readers to easily navigate to other pages, websites, or destinations within the document. It provides a seamless way to access additional resources or related information.

Q: Is Aspose.PDF for .NET suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, Aspose.PDF for .NET is beginner-friendly. The step-by-step tutorial provided in this guide simplifies the process of adding hyperlinks to PDF files, making it accessible to developers of varying skill levels.

A: Absolutely! Aspose.PDF for .NET offers customization options for hyperlink appearance, including text color, style, and formatting. This allows you to match the hyperlinks to the overall design of your document.

A: Yes, hyperlinks can be added to various types of PDF documents, including text-based documents, images, and multimedia-rich files. Aspose.PDF for .NET ensures that the hyperlinks are functional across different PDF formats.

Q: What other functionalities does Aspose.PDF for .NET offer?

A: Aspose.PDF for .NET is a robust library that provides a wide range of features, including PDF generation, manipulation, conversion, and extraction. It supports working with text, images, annotations, and more, making it a versatile tool for PDF-related tasks.

A: Yes, using the LinkAnnotation annotation, you can create hyperlinks that direct users to specific sections within the PDF document. This feature is particularly useful for creating interactive table of contents or reference links.

A: While Aspose.PDF for .NET offers comprehensive hyperlink functionality, it’s important to ensure that the linked content remains accessible and up-to-date. Hyperlinks to external websites should be regularly verified to avoid broken links.

A: Yes, in addition to web URLs, you can create hyperlinks that lead to external files, such as other PDF documents, images, or multimedia files. Aspose.PDF for .NET provides the flexibility to link to various types of resources.