Manipulation of MS Project Group Criteria in Aspose.Tasks


Aspose.Tasks for .NET is a powerful API that facilitates working with Microsoft Project files in your .NET applications. Whether you’re developing project management software or need to manipulate project data programmatically, Aspose.Tasks offers a comprehensive set of features to meet your needs.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

1. Knowledge of C# and .NET Framework

Familiarity with C# programming language and .NET Framework is essential to understand and implement the examples provided in this tutorial.

2. Installation of Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Make sure you have Aspose.Tasks for .NET installed in your development environment. You can download the library from here and follow the installation instructions provided.

3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Have an IDE such as Visual Studio installed on your system for writing and executing C# code.

Import Namespaces

To get started, import the necessary namespaces in your C# code:

    using Aspose.Tasks;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

Step 1: Load a Microsoft Project File

First, specify the path to your Microsoft Project file:

String DataDir = "Your Document Directory";
var project = new Project(DataDir + "ReadGroupDefinitionData.mpp");

Replace "Your Document Directory" with the path to your project file.

Step 2: Retrieve Task Groups Information

Next, retrieve information about task groups in the project:

Console.WriteLine("Task Groups Count: " + project.TaskGroups.Count);
var group = project.TaskGroups.ToList()[1];
Console.WriteLine("Task Group Name: " + group.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Task Group Criteria count: " + group.GroupCriteria.Count);

This code snippet prints the total count of task groups, retrieves the second task group, its name, and the count of criteria it holds.

Step 3: Retrieve Task Group’s Criterion Information

Now, let’s delve into the details of a specific criterion within the task group:

var criterion = group.GroupCriteria.ToList()[0];
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Index: " + criterion.Index);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Field: " + criterion.Field);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion GroupOn: " + criterion.GroupOn);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Cell Color: " + criterion.CellColor);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Font Color: " + criterion.FontColor);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Group Interval: " + criterion.GroupInterval);
Console.WriteLine("Task Criterion Start At: " + criterion.StartAt);

This segment displays various properties of the criterion such as its index, field, grouping information, cell color, font color, group interval, and starting point.

Step 4: Retrieve Criterion’s Font Information

Lastly, obtain font-related details of the criterion:

Console.WriteLine("Font Name: " + criterion.Font.FontFamily);
Console.WriteLine("Font Size: " + criterion.Font.Size);
Console.WriteLine("Font Style: " + criterion.Font.Style);
Console.WriteLine("Ascending/Descending: " + criterion.Ascending);

This step prints out the font name, size, style, and whether the criterion is sorted in ascending or descending order.


In this tutorial, we explored how to use Aspose.Tasks for .NET to retrieve information about task groups and criteria from a Microsoft Project file. By following the step-by-step guide, you can efficiently work with project data programmatically in your .NET applications.


Can Aspose.Tasks handle large Microsoft Project files?

Aspose.Tasks is optimized to handle large project files efficiently, ensuring high performance and reliability.

Is Aspose.Tasks compatible with all versions of Microsoft Project?

Yes, Aspose.Tasks supports various versions of Microsoft Project, ensuring compatibility across different file formats.

Can I manipulate project data using Aspose.Tasks?

Absolutely, Aspose.Tasks provides extensive functionalities to manipulate project data, including tasks, resources, calendars, and more.

Does Aspose.Tasks offer support for different .NET platforms?

Yes, Aspose.Tasks supports multiple .NET platforms including .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET Standard.

Is there a community forum for Aspose.Tasks where I can seek assistance?

Yes, you can visit the Aspose.Tasks forum to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate with other users.