Configuring RTF Load Options in Aspose.Words for Java

Introduction to Configuring RTF Load Options in Aspose.Words for Java

In this guide, we will explore how to configure RTF load options using Aspose.Words for Java. RTF (Rich Text Format) is a popular document format that can be loaded and manipulated with Aspose.Words. We will focus on a specific option, RecognizeUtf8Text, which allows you to control whether UTF-8 encoded text in the RTF document should be recognized or not.


Before you begin, make sure you have the Aspose.Words for Java library integrated into your project. You can download it from the website.

Step 1: Setting Up RTF Load Options

First, you need to create an instance of RtfLoadOptions and set the desired options. In this example, we will enable the RecognizeUtf8Text option to recognize UTF-8 encoded text:

RtfLoadOptions loadOptions = new RtfLoadOptions();

Here, loadOptions is an instance of RtfLoadOptions, and we’ve used the setRecognizeUtf8Text method to enable UTF-8 text recognition.

Step 2: Loading an RTF Document

Now that we have configured our load options, we can load an RTF document using the specified options. In this example, we load a document named “UTF-8 characters.rtf” from a specific directory:

Document doc = new Document("Your Directory Path" + "UTF-8 characters.rtf", loadOptions);

Make sure to replace "Your Directory Path" with the appropriate path to your document directory.

Step 3: Saving the Document

After loading the RTF document, you can perform various operations on it using Aspose.Words. Once you are done, save the modified document using the following code:"Your Directory Path" + "WorkingWithRtfLoadOptions.RecognizeUtf8Text.rtf");

Replace "Your Directory Path" with the path where you want to save the modified document.

Complete Source Code For Configuring RTF Load Options in Aspose.Words for Java

RtfLoadOptions loadOptions = new RtfLoadOptions();
Document doc = new Document("Your Directory Path" + "UTF-8 characters.rtf", loadOptions);"Your Directory Path" + "WorkingWithRtfLoadOptions.RecognizeUtf8Text.rtf");


In this tutorial, you learned how to configure RTF load options in Aspose.Words for Java. Specifically, we focused on enabling the RecognizeUtf8Text option to handle UTF-8 encoded text in your RTF documents. This feature allows you to work with a wide range of text encodings, enhancing the flexibility of your document processing tasks.


How do I disable UTF-8 text recognition?

To disable UTF-8 text recognition, simply set the RecognizeUtf8Text option to false when configuring your RtfLoadOptions. This can be done by calling setRecognizeUtf8Text(false).

What other options are available in RtfLoadOptions?

RtfLoadOptions provides various options for configuring how RTF documents are loaded. Some of the commonly used options include setPassword for password-protected documents and setLoadFormat to specify the format when loading RTF files.

Can I modify the document after loading it with these options?

Yes, you can perform various modifications to the document after loading it with the specified options. Aspose.Words provides a wide range of features for working with document content, formatting, and structure.

Where can I find more information about Aspose.Words for Java?

You can refer to the Aspose.Words for Java documentation for comprehensive information, API reference, and examples on using the library.