Saving Documents as RTF Format in Aspose.Words for Java

Introduction to Saving Documents as RTF Format in Aspose.Words for Java

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of saving documents as RTF (Rich Text Format) using Aspose.Words for Java. RTF is a commonly used format for documents that provides a high level of compatibility across various word processing applications.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Aspose.Words for Java Library: Ensure that you have Aspose.Words for Java library integrated into your Java project. You can download it from here.

  2. A Document to Save: You should have an existing Word document (e.g., “Document.docx”) that you want to save in RTF format.

Step 1: Loading the Document

To get started, you need to load the document you want to save as RTF. Here’s how you can do it:

import com.aspose.words.Document;

// Load the source document (e.g., Document.docx)
Document doc = new Document("path/to/Document.docx");

Make sure to replace "path/to/Document.docx" with the actual path to your source document.

Step 2: Configuring RTF Save Options

Aspose.Words provides various options for configuring the RTF output. In this example, we’ll use RtfSaveOptions and set an option to save images as WMF (Windows Metafile) format within the RTF document.

import com.aspose.words.RtfSaveOptions;

// Create an instance of RtfSaveOptions
RtfSaveOptions saveOptions = new RtfSaveOptions();

// Set the option to save images as WMF

You can customize other save options according to your requirements as well.

Step 3: Saving the Document as RTF

Now that we have loaded the document and configured the RTF save options, it’s time to save the document in RTF format.

// Save the document in RTF format"path/to/output.rtf", saveOptions);

Replace "path/to/output.rtf" with the desired path and filename for the RTF output file.

Complete Source Code For Saving Documents as RTF Format in Aspose.Words for Java

Document doc = new Document("Your Directory Path" + "Document.docx");
RtfSaveOptions saveOptions = new RtfSaveOptions(); { saveOptions.setSaveImagesAsWmf(true); }"Your Directory Path" + "WorkingWithRtfSaveOptions.SavingImagesAsWmf.rtf", saveOptions);


In this guide, we’ve demonstrated how to save documents as RTF format using Aspose.Words for Java. By following these steps and configuring the save options, you can effectively convert your Word documents into RTF format with ease.


How do I change other RTF save options?

You can modify various RTF save options using the RtfSaveOptions class. Refer to the Aspose.Words for Java documentation for a full list of available options.

Can I save the RTF document in a different encoding?

Yes, you can specify the encoding for the RTF document using saveOptions.setEncoding(Charset.forName("UTF-8")), for example, to save it in UTF-8 encoding.

Is it possible to save the RTF document without images?

Certainly. You can disable image saving by using saveOptions.setSaveImagesAsWmf(false).

How can I handle exceptions during the saving process?

You should consider implementing error handling mechanisms, such as try-catch blocks, to handle exceptions that may occur during the document saving process.