Printing Specific Document Pages


Printing specific pages of a document can be a common requirement in various applications. Aspose.Words for Java simplifies this task by providing a comprehensive set of features for managing Word documents. In this tutorial, we will create a Java application that loads a Word document and prints only the desired pages.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
  • Aspose.Words for Java library
  • Basic knowledge of Java programming

Create a New Java Project

Let’s start by creating a new Java project in your preferred IDE. You can name it whatever you like. This project will serve as our workspace for printing specific document pages.

Add Aspose.Words Dependency

To use Aspose.Words for Java in your project, you need to add the Aspose.Words JAR file as a dependency. You can download the library from the Aspose website or use a build tool like Maven or Gradle to manage dependencies.

<!-- Add Aspose.Words dependency in your pom.xml if using Maven -->

Load a Word Document

In your Java code, import the necessary classes from the Aspose.Words library and load the Word document you want to print. Here’s a simple example:

import com.aspose.words.*;

public class PrintSpecificPages {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Load the Word document
        Document doc = new Document("path/to/your/document.docx");

Specify Pages to Print

Now, let’s specify which pages you want to print. You can use the PageRange class to define the range of pages you need. For example, to print pages 3 to 5:

PageRange pageRange = new PageRange(3, 5);

With the page range defined, you can print the document using Aspose.Words’ printing features. Here’s how you can print the specified pages to a printer:

// Create a PrintOptions object
PrintOptions printOptions = new PrintOptions();
printOptions.setPageRanges(new PageRange[] { pageRange });

// Print the document


In this tutorial, we have learned how to print specific pages of a Word document using Aspose.Words for Java. This powerful library simplifies the process of managing and printing documents programmatically, making it an excellent choice for Java developers. Feel free to explore more of its features and capabilities to enhance your document processing tasks.


How can I print multiple non-consecutive pages from a Word document?

To print multiple non-consecutive pages, you can create multiple PageRange objects and specify the desired page ranges. Then, add these PageRange objects to the PageRanges array in the PrintOptions object.

Is Aspose.Words for Java compatible with different document formats?

Yes, Aspose.Words for Java supports a wide range of document formats, including DOCX, DOC, PDF, RTF, and more. You can easily convert between these formats using the library.

Can I print specific sections of a Word document?

Yes, you can print specific sections of a Word document by specifying the pages within those sections using the PageRange class. This gives you granular control over what gets printed.

How can I set additional print options, such as page orientation and paper size?

You can set additional print options, such as page orientation and paper size, by configuring the PrintOptions object before printing the document. Use methods like setOrientation and setPaperSize to customize the print settings.

Is there a trial version of Aspose.Words for Java available?

Yes, you can download a trial version of Aspose.Words for Java from the website. This allows you to explore the library’s features and see if it meets your requirements before purchasing a license.