Get Document Styles In Word

In this tutorial, we will explore the provided C# source code for get document styles in Word using Aspose.Words for .NET. This feature allows you to get the full collection of styles present in the document.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Before you begin, make sure you’ve set up your development environment with Aspose.Words for .NET. Make sure you’ve added the necessary references and imported the appropriate namespaces.

Step 2: Creating the document

Document doc = new Document();

In this step we create a new empty Document object.

Step 3: Accessing the style collection

string styleName = "";

StyleCollection styles = doc.Styles;

In this step, we access the document’s style collection using the Styles property. This collection contains all the styles present in the document.

Step 4: Browse Styles

foreach(Style style in styles)
     if (styleName == "")
         styleName = style.Name;
         styleName = styleName + "," + style.Name;

In this final step, we loop through each style in the collection using a foreach loop. We display the name of each style to the console, concatenating them with commas for better readability.

Now you can run the source code to access styles in a document and display their names to the console. This feature can be useful for analyzing styles in a document, performing specific operations on particular styles, or simply getting information about available styles.

Sample source code for Access Styles using Aspose.Words for .NET

Document doc = new Document();

string styleName = "";

// Get styles collection from the document.
StyleCollection styles = doc.Styles;
foreach (Style style in styles)
	if (styleName == "")
		styleName = style.Name;
		styleName = styleName + ", " + style.Name;


In this tutorial, we learned how to retrieve and access the styles present in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET. By utilizing the Styles property of the Document object, we obtained the collection of styles and looped through them to display their names. This feature provides valuable insights into the styles used within a document and enables further customization and analysis.

By leveraging Aspose.Words for .NET’s powerful API, developers can easily manipulate and work with document styles, offering enhanced control over formatting and document processing.


How can I access the styles in a Word document using Aspose.Words for .NET?

To access the styles in a Word document, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Document object.
  2. Retrieve the StyleCollection by accessing the Styles property of the document.
  3. Iterate through the styles using a loop to access and process each style individually.

What can I do with the style collection obtained using Aspose.Words for .NET?

Once you have the style collection, you can perform various operations, such as analyzing the styles used in a document, modifying specific styles, applying styles to document elements, or extracting information about available styles. It provides you with flexibility and control over document styling and formatting.

How can I use the obtained style information in my application?

You can use the obtained style information to customize document processing, apply consistent formatting, generate reports, or perform data analysis based on specific styles. The style information can serve as a foundation for automating document-related tasks and achieving desired formatting results.