Storing Multiple Files Without Compression in Aspose.Zip for .NET


In the dynamic world of .NET development, effective file compression is crucial for optimizing storage and transmission of data. Aspose.Zip for .NET is a powerful tool that simplifies this process, allowing developers to efficiently store multiple files without compression. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process, step by step, ensuring you harness the full potential of Aspose.Zip for .NET.


Before we dive into the tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Aspose.Zip for .NET: Make sure you’ve integrated Aspose.Zip for .NET into your project. If not, you can refer to the documentation for guidance.

  • Development Environment: Have a working .NET development environment set up on your machine.

  • Document Directory: Identify the directory where your documents are stored. In the example, we’ll use the placeholder “Your Document Directory.”

Import Namespaces

Before we begin coding, let’s import the necessary namespaces to ensure a smooth coding experience:

using Aspose.Zip;
using Aspose.Zip.Saving;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

Step 1: Set Document Directory

string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";

Replace “Your Document Directory” with the actual path where your documents are stored.

Step 2: Create Zip Archive Without Compression

using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open(dataDir + "", FileMode.Create))
    FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(dataDir + "alice29.txt");
    FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(dataDir + "lcet10.txt");

    using (Archive archive = new Archive(new ArchiveEntrySettings(new StoreCompressionSettings())))
        archive.CreateEntry("alice29.txt", fi1);
        archive.CreateEntry("lcet10.txt", fi2);
        archive.Save(zipFile, new ArchiveSaveOptions() { Encoding = Encoding.ASCII });

This code snippet creates a zip archive without compressing the specified files (“alice29.txt” and “lcet10.txt”). Adjust the file names and paths according to your project structure.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to store multiple files without compression using Aspose.Zip for .NET. This efficient approach ensures optimal file management in your .NET applications.


Q1: Can I compress specific file types while storing others without compression using Aspose.Zip for .NET?

A1: Yes, you can customize compression settings for individual files or file types, providing flexibility in your application.

Q2: Is Aspose.Zip for .NET compatible with different .NET frameworks?

A2: Aspose.Zip for .NET supports various .NET frameworks, including .NET Core and .NET Standard.

Q3: How can I handle exceptions during the file storage process?

A3: Implement error-handling mechanisms using try-catch blocks to gracefully manage exceptions and enhance the robustness of your application.

Q4: Does Aspose.Zip for .NET offer multi-threading support?

A4: Yes, Aspose.Zip for .NET supports multi-threading, allowing you to enhance the performance of file compression and storage operations.

Q5: Can I integrate Aspose.Zip for .NET into my existing project without major code modifications?

A5: Yes, Aspose.Zip for .NET is designed for easy integration, and the documentation provides comprehensive guidance for a seamless integration process.