Aspose::Words::Bibliography::SourceType enum

SourceType enum

Represents bibliography source types.

enum class SourceType


ArticleInAPeriodical0Specifies the article in a periodical source.
Book1Specifies the book source.
BookSection2Specifies the book section source.
JournalArticle3Specifies the journal article source.
ConferenceProceedings4Specifies the conference proceedings source.
Report5Specifies the reporter source.
SoundRecording6Specifies the sound recording source.
Performance7Specifies the performance source.
Art8Specifies the art source.
DocumentFromInternetSite9Specifies the document from internet site source.
InternetSite10Specifies the internet site source.
Film11Specifies the film source.
Interview12Specifies the interview source.
Patent13Specifies the patent source.
Electronic14Specifies the electronic source.
Case15Specifies the case source.
Misc16Specifies the miscellaneous source.

See Also