Aspose::Words::BuildingBlocks::BuildingBlockType enum

BuildingBlockType enum

Specifies a building block type. The type might affect the visibility and behavior of the building block in Microsoft Word.

enum class BuildingBlockType


None0No type information is specified for the building block.
AutomaticallyReplaceNameWithContent1Allows the building block to be automatically inserted into the document whenever its name is entered into an application.
StructuredDocumentTagPlaceholderText2The building block is a structured document tag placeholder text.
FormFieldHelpText3The building block is a form field help text.
Normal4The building block is a normal (i.e. regular) glossary document entry.
AutoCorrect5The building block is associated with the spelling and grammar tools.
AutoText6The building block is an AutoText entry.
All7The building block is associated with all types.
Defaultn/aSave as None.


Corresponds to the ST_DocPartType type in OOXML.


Shows how to add a custom building block to a document.

void CreateAndInsert()
    // A document's glossary document stores building blocks.
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
    auto glossaryDoc = MakeObject<GlossaryDocument>();

    // Create a building block, name it, and then add it to the glossary document.
    auto block = MakeObject<BuildingBlock>(glossaryDoc);
    block->set_Name(u"Custom Block");


    // All new building block GUIDs have the same zero value by default, and we can give them a new unique value.
    ASSERT_EQ(u"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", System::ObjectExt::ToString(block->get_Guid()));


    // The following properties categorize building blocks
    // in the menu we can access in Microsoft Word via "Insert" -> "Quick Parts" -> "Building Blocks Organizer".
    ASSERT_EQ(u"(Empty Category)", block->get_Category());
    ASSERT_EQ(BuildingBlockType::None, block->get_Type());
    ASSERT_EQ(BuildingBlockGallery::All, block->get_Gallery());
    ASSERT_EQ(BuildingBlockBehavior::Content, block->get_Behavior());

    // Before we can add this building block to our document, we will need to give it some contents,
    // which we will do using a document visitor. This visitor will also set a category, gallery, and behavior.
    auto visitor = MakeObject<ExBuildingBlocks::BuildingBlockVisitor>(glossaryDoc);

    // We can access the block that we just made from the glossary document.
    SharedPtr<BuildingBlock> customBlock = glossaryDoc->GetBuildingBlock(BuildingBlockGallery::QuickParts, u"My custom building blocks", u"Custom Block");

    // The block itself is a section that contains the text.
    ASSERT_EQ(String::Format(u"Text inside {0}\f", customBlock->get_Name()), customBlock->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->GetText());
    ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(customBlock->get_FirstSection(), customBlock->get_LastSection());
    std::function<void()> parseGuid = [&customBlock]()

    // Now, we can insert it into the document as a new section.
    doc->AppendChild(doc->ImportNode(customBlock->get_FirstSection(), true));

    // We can also find it in Microsoft Word's Building Blocks Organizer and place it manually.
    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"BuildingBlocks.CreateAndInsert.dotx");

class BuildingBlockVisitor : public DocumentVisitor
    BuildingBlockVisitor(SharedPtr<GlossaryDocument> ownerGlossaryDoc)
        mBuilder = MakeObject<System::Text::StringBuilder>();
        mGlossaryDoc = ownerGlossaryDoc;

    VisitorAction VisitBuildingBlockStart(SharedPtr<BuildingBlock> block) override
        // Configure the building block as a quick part, and add properties used by Building Blocks Organizer.
        block->set_Category(u"My custom building blocks");
        block->set_Description(u"Using this block in the Quick Parts section of word will place its contents at the cursor.");

        // Add a section with text.
        // Inserting the block into the document will append this section with its child nodes at the location.
        auto section = MakeObject<Section>(mGlossaryDoc);

        auto run = MakeObject<Run>(mGlossaryDoc, String(u"Text inside ") + block->get_Name());

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitBuildingBlockEnd(SharedPtr<BuildingBlock> block) override
        mBuilder->Append(String(u"Visited ") + block->get_Name() + u"\r\n");
        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    SharedPtr<System::Text::StringBuilder> mBuilder;
    SharedPtr<GlossaryDocument> mGlossaryDoc;

See Also