Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartType enum

ChartType enum

Specifies type of a chart.

enum class ChartType


Area0Area chart.
AreaStacked1Stacked Area chart.
AreaPercentStacked2100% Stacked Area chart.
Area3D33D Area chart.
Area3DStacked43D Stacked Area chart.
Area3DPercentStacked53D 100% Stacked Area chart.
Bar6Bar chart.
BarStacked7Stacked Bar chart.
BarPercentStacked8100% Stacked Bar chart.
Bar3D93D Bar chart.
Bar3DStacked103D Stacked Bar chart.
Bar3DPercentStacked113D 100% Stacked Bar chart.
Bubble12Bubble chart.
Bubble3D133D Bubble chart.
Column14Column chart.
ColumnStacked15Stacked Column chart.
ColumnPercentStacked16100% Stacked Column chart.
Column3D173D Column chart.
Column3DStacked183D Stacked Column chart.
Column3DPercentStacked193D 100% Stacked Column chart.
Column3DClustered203D Clustered Column chart.
Doughnut21Doughnut chart.
Line22Line chart.
LineStacked23Stacked Line chart.
LinePercentStacked24100% Stacked Line chart.
Line3D253D Line chart.
Pie26Pie chart.
Pie3D273D Pie chart.
PieOfBar28Pie of Bar chart.
PieOfPie29Pie of Pie chart.
Radar30Radar chart.
Scatter31Scatter chart.
Stock32Stock chart.
Surface33Surface chart.
Surface3D343D Surface chart.
Treemap35Treemap chart.
Sunburst36Sunburst chart.
Histogram37Histogram chart.
Pareto38Pareto chart.
BoxAndWhisker39Box and Whisker chart.
Waterfall40Waterfall chart.
Funnel41Funnel chart.


Shows how to create an appropriate type of chart series for a graph type.

void ChartSeriesCollection_()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
    auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

    // There are several ways of populating a chart's series collection.
    // Different series schemas are intended for different chart types.
    // 1 -  Column chart with columns grouped and banded along the X-axis by category:
    SharedPtr<Chart> chart = AppendChart(builder, ChartType::Column, 500, 300);

    ArrayPtr<String> categories = MakeArray<String>({u"Category 1", u"Category 2", u"Category 3"});

    // Insert two series of decimal values containing a value for each respective category.
    // This column chart will have three groups, each with two columns.
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 1", categories, MakeArray<double>({76.6, 82.1, 91.6}));
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 2", categories, MakeArray<double>({64.2, 79.5, 94.0}));

    // Categories are distributed along the X-axis, and values are distributed along the Y-axis.
    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Category, chart->get_AxisX()->get_Type());
    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Value, chart->get_AxisY()->get_Type());

    // 2 -  Area chart with dates distributed along the X-axis:
    chart = AppendChart(builder, ChartType::Area, 500, 300);

    ArrayPtr<System::DateTime> dates =
        MakeArray<System::DateTime>({System::DateTime(2014, 3, 31), System::DateTime(2017, 1, 23), System::DateTime(2017, 6, 18),
                                     System::DateTime(2019, 11, 22), System::DateTime(2020, 9, 7)});

    // Insert a series with a decimal value for each respective date.
    // The dates will be distributed along a linear X-axis,
    // and the values added to this series will create data points.
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 1", dates, MakeArray<double>({15.8, 21.5, 22.9, 28.7, 33.1}));

    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Category, chart->get_AxisX()->get_Type());
    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Value, chart->get_AxisY()->get_Type());

    // 3 -  2D scatter plot:
    chart = AppendChart(builder, ChartType::Scatter, 500, 300);

    // Each series will need two decimal arrays of equal length.
    // The first array contains X-values, and the second contains corresponding Y-values
    // of data points on the chart's graph.
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 1", MakeArray<double>({3.1, 3.5, 6.3, 4.1, 2.2, 8.3, 1.2, 3.6}),
                             MakeArray<double>({3.1, 6.3, 4.6, 0.9, 8.5, 4.2, 2.3, 9.9}));
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 2", MakeArray<double>({2.6, 7.3, 4.5, 6.6, 2.1, 9.3, 0.7, 3.3}),
                             MakeArray<double>({7.1, 6.6, 3.5, 7.8, 7.7, 9.5, 1.3, 4.6}));

    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Value, chart->get_AxisX()->get_Type());
    ASSERT_EQ(ChartAxisType::Value, chart->get_AxisY()->get_Type());

    // 4 -  Bubble chart:
    chart = AppendChart(builder, ChartType::Bubble, 500, 300);

    // Each series will need three decimal arrays of equal length.
    // The first array contains X-values, the second contains corresponding Y-values,
    // and the third contains diameters for each of the graph's data points.
    chart->get_Series()->Add(u"Series 1", MakeArray<double>({1.1, 5.0, 9.8}), MakeArray<double>({1.2, 4.9, 9.9}), MakeArray<double>({2.0, 4.0, 8.0}));

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.docx");

static SharedPtr<Chart> AppendChart(SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder, ChartType chartType, double width, double height)
    SharedPtr<Shape> chartShape = builder->InsertChart(chartType, width, height);
    SharedPtr<Chart> chart = chartShape->get_Chart();

    return chart;

See Also