Aspose::Words::Drawing::ImageData::get_ImageType method

ImageData::get_ImageType method

Gets the type of the image.

Aspose::Words::Drawing::ImageType Aspose::Words::Drawing::ImageData::get_ImageType()


Shows how to extract images from a document, and save them to the local file system as individual files.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Images.docx");

// Get the collection of shapes from the document,
// and save the image data of every shape with an image as a file to the local file system.
SharedPtr<NodeCollection> shapes = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true);

ASSERT_EQ(9, shapes->LINQ_Count([](SharedPtr<Node> s) { return (System::ExplicitCast<Shape>(s))->get_HasImage(); }));

int imageIndex = 0;
for (const auto& shape : System::IterateOver(shapes->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Shape>>()))
    if (shape->get_HasImage())
        // The image data of shapes may contain images of many possible image formats.
        // We can determine a file extension for each image automatically, based on its format.
        String imageFileName =
            String::Format(u"File.ExtractImages.{0}{1}", imageIndex, FileFormatUtil::ImageTypeToExtension(shape->get_ImageData()->get_ImageType()));
        shape->get_ImageData()->Save(ArtifactsDir + imageFileName);

See Also