Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeType enum
]ShapeType enum
Specifies the type of shape in a Microsoft Word document.
enum class ShapeType
Name | Value | Description |
Image | 75 | The shape is an image. |
TextBox | 202 | The shape is a textbox. Note that shapes of many other types can also have text inside them too. A shape does not have to have this type to contain text. |
Group | -1 | The shape is a group shape. |
OleObject | -2 | The shape is an OLE object. You cannot create shapes of this type in the document. |
OleControl | 201 | The shape is an ActiveX control. You cannot create shapes of this type in the document. |
NonPrimitive | 0 | A shape drawn by user and consisting of multiple segments and/or vertices (curve, freeform or scribble). You cannot create shapes of this type in the document. |
Rectangle | 1 | |
RoundRectangle | 2 | |
Ellipse | 3 | |
Diamond | 4 | |
Triangle | 5 | |
RightTriangle | 6 | |
Parallelogram | 7 | |
Trapezoid | 8 | |
Hexagon | 9 | |
Octagon | 10 | |
Plus | 11 | |
Star | 12 | |
Arrow | 13 | |
ThickArrow | 14 | |
HomePlate | 15 | |
Cube | 16 | |
Balloon | 17 | |
Seal | 18 | |
Arc | 19 | |
Line | 20 | |
Plaque | 21 | |
Can | 22 | |
Donut | 23 | |
TextSimple | 24 | |
TextOctagon | 25 | |
TextHexagon | 26 | |
TextCurve | 27 | |
TextWave | 28 | |
TextRing | 29 | |
TextOnCurve | 30 | |
TextOnRing | 31 | |
StraightConnector1 | 32 | |
BentConnector2 | 33 | |
BentConnector3 | 34 | |
BentConnector4 | 35 | |
BentConnector5 | 36 | |
CurvedConnector2 | 37 | |
CurvedConnector3 | 38 | |
CurvedConnector4 | 39 | |
CurvedConnector5 | 40 | |
Callout1 | 41 | |
Callout2 | 42 | |
Callout3 | 43 | |
AccentCallout1 | 44 | |
AccentCallout2 | 45 | |
AccentCallout3 | 46 | |
BorderCallout1 | 47 | |
BorderCallout2 | 48 | |
BorderCallout3 | 49 | |
AccentBorderCallout1 | 50 | |
AccentBorderCallout2 | 51 | |
AccentBorderCallout3 | 52 | |
Ribbon | 53 | |
Ribbon2 | 54 | |
Chevron | 55 | |
Pentagon | 56 | |
NoSmoking | 57 | |
Seal8 | 58 | |
Seal16 | 59 | |
Seal32 | 60 | |
WedgeRectCallout | 61 | |
WedgeRRectCallout | 62 | |
WedgeEllipseCallout | 63 | |
Wave | 64 | |
FoldedCorner | 65 | |
LeftArrow | 66 | |
DownArrow | 67 | |
UpArrow | 68 | |
LeftRightArrow | 69 | |
UpDownArrow | 70 | |
IrregularSeal1 | 71 | |
IrregularSeal2 | 72 | |
LightningBolt | 73 | |
Heart | 74 | |
QuadArrow | 76 | |
LeftArrowCallout | 77 | |
RightArrowCallout | 78 | |
UpArrowCallout | 79 | |
DownArrowCallout | 80 | |
LeftRightArrowCallout | 81 | |
UpDownArrowCallout | 82 | |
QuadArrowCallout | 83 | |
Bevel | 84 | |
LeftBracket | 85 | |
RightBracket | 86 | |
LeftBrace | 87 | |
RightBrace | 88 | |
LeftUpArrow | 89 | |
BentUpArrow | 90 | |
BentArrow | 91 | |
Seal24 | 92 | |
StripedRightArrow | 93 | |
NotchedRightArrow | 94 | |
BlockArc | 95 | |
SmileyFace | 96 | |
VerticalScroll | 97 | |
HorizontalScroll | 98 | |
CircularArrow | 99 | |
CustomShape | 100 | This shape type seems to be set for shapes that are not part of the standard set of the auto shapes in Microsoft Word. For example, if you insert a new auto shape from ClipArt. You cannot create shapes of this type in the document. |
UturnArrow | 101 | |
CurvedRightArrow | 102 | |
CurvedLeftArrow | 103 | |
CurvedUpArrow | 104 | |
CurvedDownArrow | 105 | |
CloudCallout | 106 | |
EllipseRibbon | 107 | |
EllipseRibbon2 | 108 | |
FlowChartProcess | 109 | |
FlowChartDecision | 110 | |
FlowChartInputOutput | 111 | |
FlowChartPredefinedProcess | 112 | |
FlowChartInternalStorage | 113 | |
FlowChartDocument | 114 | |
FlowChartMultidocument | 115 | |
FlowChartTerminator | 116 | |
FlowChartPreparation | 117 | |
FlowChartManualInput | 118 | |
FlowChartManualOperation | 119 | |
FlowChartConnector | 120 | |
FlowChartPunchedCard | 121 | |
FlowChartPunchedTape | 122 | |
FlowChartSummingJunction | 123 | |
FlowChartOr | 124 | |
FlowChartCollate | 125 | |
FlowChartSort | 126 | |
FlowChartExtract | 127 | |
FlowChartMerge | 128 | |
FlowChartOfflineStorage | 129 | |
FlowChartOnlineStorage | 130 | |
FlowChartMagneticTape | 131 | |
FlowChartMagneticDisk | 132 | |
FlowChartMagneticDrum | 133 | |
FlowChartDisplay | 134 | |
FlowChartDelay | 135 | |
TextPlainText | 136 | WordArt object. |
TextStop | 137 | WordArt object. |
TextTriangle | 138 | WordArt object. |
TextTriangleInverted | 139 | WordArt object. |
TextChevron | 140 | WordArt object. |
TextChevronInverted | 141 | WordArt object. |
TextRingInside | 142 | WordArt object. |
TextRingOutside | 143 | WordArt object. |
TextArchUpCurve | 144 | WordArt object. |
TextArchDownCurve | 145 | WordArt object. |
TextCircleCurve | 146 | WordArt object. |
TextButtonCurve | 147 | WordArt object. |
TextArchUpPour | 148 | WordArt object. |
TextArchDownPour | 149 | WordArt object. |
TextCirclePour | 150 | WordArt object. |
TextButtonPour | 151 | WordArt object. |
TextCurveUp | 152 | WordArt object. |
TextCurveDown | 153 | WordArt object. |
TextCascadeUp | 154 | WordArt object. |
TextCascadeDown | 155 | WordArt object. |
TextWave1 | 156 | WordArt object. |
TextWave2 | 157 | WordArt object. |
TextWave3 | 158 | WordArt object. |
TextWave4 | 159 | WordArt object. |
TextInflate | 160 | WordArt object. |
TextDeflate | 161 | WordArt object. |
TextInflateBottom | 162 | WordArt object. |
TextDeflateBottom | 163 | WordArt object. |
TextInflateTop | 164 | WordArt object. |
TextDeflateTop | 165 | WordArt object. |
TextDeflateInflate | 166 | WordArt object. |
TextDeflateInflateDeflate | 167 | WordArt object. |
TextFadeRight | 168 | WordArt object. |
TextFadeLeft | 169 | WordArt object. |
TextFadeUp | 170 | WordArt object. |
TextFadeDown | 171 | WordArt object. |
TextSlantUp | 172 | WordArt object. |
TextSlantDown | 173 | WordArt object. |
TextCanUp | 174 | WordArt object. |
TextCanDown | 175 | WordArt object. |
FlowChartAlternateProcess | 176 | |
FlowChartOffpageConnector | 177 | |
Callout90 | 178 | |
AccentCallout90 | 179 | |
BorderCallout90 | 180 | |
AccentBorderCallout90 | 181 | |
LeftRightUpArrow | 182 | |
Sun | 183 | |
Moon | 184 | |
BracketPair | 185 | |
BracePair | 186 | |
Seal4 | 187 | |
DoubleWave | 188 | |
ActionButtonBlank | 189 | |
ActionButtonHome | 190 | |
ActionButtonHelp | 191 | |
ActionButtonInformation | 192 | |
ActionButtonForwardNext | 193 | |
ActionButtonBackPrevious | 194 | |
ActionButtonEnd | 195 | |
ActionButtonBeginning | 196 | |
ActionButtonReturn | 197 | |
ActionButtonDocument | 198 | |
ActionButtonSound | 199 | |
ActionButtonMovie | 200 | |
SingleCornerSnipped | 203 | Snip single corner rectangle object. |
TopCornersSnipped | 204 | Snip same side corner rectangle. |
DiagonalCornersSnipped | 205 | Snip diagonal corner rectangle. |
TopCornersOneRoundedOneSnipped | 206 | Snip and round single corner rectangle. |
SingleCornerRounded | 207 | Round single corner rectangle. |
TopCornersRounded | 208 | Round same side corner rectangle. |
DiagonalCornersRounded | 209 | Round diagonal corner rectangle. |
Heptagon | 210 | Heptagon. |
Cloud | 211 | Cloud. |
Seal6 | 212 | Six-pointed star. |
Seal7 | 213 | Seven-pointed star. |
Seal10 | 214 | Ten-pointed star. |
Seal12 | 215 | Twelve-pointed star. |
SwooshArrow | 216 | Swoosh arrow. |
Teardrop | 217 | Teardrop. |
SquareTabs | 218 | Square tabs. |
PlaqueTabs | 219 | Plaque tabs. |
Pie | 220 | Pie. |
WedgePie | 221 | Wedge pie. |
InverseLine | 222 | Inverse line. |
MathPlus | 223 | Math plus. |
MathMinus | 224 | Math minus. |
MathMultiply | 225 | Math multiply. |
MathDivide | 226 | Math divide. |
MathEqual | 227 | Math equal. |
MathNotEqual | 228 | Math not equal. |
NonIsoscelesTrapezoid | 229 | Non-isosceles trapezoid. |
LeftRightCircularArrow | 230 | Left-right circular arrow. |
LeftRightRibbon | 231 | Left-right ribbon. |
LeftCircularArrow | 232 | Left circular arrow. |
Frame | 233 | Frame. |
HalfFrame | 234 | Half frame. |
Funnel | 235 | Funnel. |
Gear6 | 236 | Six-tooth gear. |
Gear9 | 237 | Nine-tooth gear. |
Decagon | 238 | Decagon. |
Dodecagon | 239 | Dodecagon. |
DiagonalStripe | 240 | Diagonal stripe. |
Corner | 241 | Corner. |
CornerTabs | 242 | Corner tabs. |
Chord | 243 | Chord. |
ChartPlus | 244 | Chart plus. |
ChartStar | 245 | Chart star. |
ChartX | 246 | Chart X. |
MinValue | n/a | Reserved for the system use. |
Shows how to insert a shape with an image from the local file system into a document.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
// The "Shape" class's public constructor will create a shape with "ShapeMarkupLanguage.Vml" markup type.
// If you need to create a shape of a non-primitive type, such as SingleCornerSnipped, TopCornersSnipped, DiagonalCornersSnipped,
// TopCornersOneRoundedOneSnipped, SingleCornerRounded, TopCornersRounded, or DiagonalCornersRounded,
// please use DocumentBuilder.InsertShape.
auto shape = MakeObject<Shape>(doc, ShapeType::Image);
shape->get_ImageData()->SetImage(ImageDir + u"Windows MetaFile.wmf");
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Image.FromFile.docx");
Shows how Aspose.Words identify shapes.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
builder->InsertShape(ShapeType::Heptagon, RelativeHorizontalPosition::Page, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition::Page, 0, 0, 0, WrapType::None);
builder->InsertShape(ShapeType::Cloud, RelativeHorizontalPosition::RightMargin, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition::Page, 0, 0, 0, WrapType::None);
builder->InsertShape(ShapeType::MathPlus, RelativeHorizontalPosition::RightMargin, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition::Page, 0, 0, 0, WrapType::None);
// To correct identify shape types you need to work with shapes as DML.
auto saveOptions = MakeObject<OoxmlSaveOptions>(SaveFormat::Docx);
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Shape.ShapeTypes.docx", saveOptions);
doc = MakeObject<Document>(ArtifactsDir + u"Shape.ShapeTypes.docx");
ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<Shape>> shapes = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Shape>>()->LINQ_ToArray();
for (SharedPtr<Shape> shape : shapes)
std::cout << System::EnumGetName(shape->get_ShapeType()) << std::endl;
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Drawing
- Library Aspose.Words for C++