Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldFillIn::get_PromptText method

FieldFillIn::get_PromptText method

Gets or sets the prompt text (the title of the prompt window).

System::String Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldFillIn::get_PromptText()


Shows how to use the FILLIN field to prompt the user for a response.

void FieldFillIn_()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
    auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

    // Insert a FILLIN field. When we manually update this field in Microsoft Word,
    // it will prompt us to enter a response. The field will then display the response as text.
    auto field = System::ExplicitCast<FieldFillIn>(builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldFillIn, true));
    field->set_PromptText(u"Please enter a response:");
    field->set_DefaultResponse(u"A default response.");

    // We can also use these fields to ask the user for a unique response for each page
    // created during a mail merge done using Microsoft Word.

    ASSERT_EQ(u" FILLIN  \"Please enter a response:\" \\d \"A default response.\" \\o", field->GetFieldCode());

    auto mergeField = System::ExplicitCast<FieldMergeField>(builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldMergeField, true));

    // If we perform a mail merge programmatically, we can use a custom prompt respondent
    // to automatically edit responses for FILLIN fields that the mail merge encounters.
    doc->get_MailMerge()->Execute(MakeArray<String>({u"MergeField"}), MakeArray<SharedPtr<System::Object>>({System::ObjectExt::Box<String>(u"")}));

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Field.FILLIN.docx");

class PromptRespondent : public IFieldUserPromptRespondent
    String Respond(String promptText, String defaultResponse) override
        return String(u"Response modified by PromptRespondent. ") + defaultResponse;

See Also