Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldPrivate class

FieldPrivate class

Implements the PRIVATE field. To learn more, visit the Working with Fields documentation article.

class FieldPrivate : public Aspose::Words::Fields::Field


get_DisplayResult()Gets the text that represents the displayed field result.
get_End() constGets the node that represents the field end.
get_FieldEnd() constGets the node that represents the field end.
get_FieldStart() constGets the node that represents the start of the field.
get_Format()Gets a FieldFormat object that provides typed access to field’s formatting.
get_IsDirty()Gets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.
get_IsLocked()Gets or sets whether the field is locked (should not recalculate its result).
get_LocaleId()Gets or sets the LCID of the field.
get_Result()Gets or sets text that is between the field separator and field end.
get_Separator()Gets the node that represents the field separator. Can be null.
get_Start() constGets the node that represents the start of the field.
virtual get_Type() constGets the Microsoft Word field type.
GetFieldCode()Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator). Both field code and field result of child fields are included.
GetFieldCode(bool)Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator).
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
Remove()Removes the field from the document. Returns a node right after the field. If the field’s end is the last child of its parent node, returns its parent paragraph. If the field is already removed, returns null.
set_IsDirty(bool)Sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.
set_IsLocked(bool)Setter for Aspose::Words::Fields::Field::get_IsLocked.
set_LocaleId(int32_t)Setter for Aspose::Words::Fields::Field::get_LocaleId.
set_Result(const System::String&)Setter for Aspose::Words::Fields::Field::get_Result.
static Type()
Unlink()Performs the field unlink.
Update()Performs the field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
Update(bool)Performs a field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.


Shows how to process PRIVATE fields.

void FieldPrivate_()
    // Open a Corel WordPerfect document which we have converted to .docx format.
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Field sample - PRIVATE.docx");

    // WordPerfect 5.x/6.x documents like the one we have loaded may contain PRIVATE fields.
    // Microsoft Word preserves PRIVATE fields during load/save operations,
    // but provides no functionality for them.
    auto field = System::ExplicitCast<FieldPrivate>(doc->get_Range()->get_Fields()->idx_get(0));

    ASSERT_EQ(u" PRIVATE \"My value\" ", field->GetFieldCode());
    ASSERT_EQ(FieldType::FieldPrivate, field->get_Type());

    // We can also insert PRIVATE fields using a document builder.
    auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
    builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldPrivate, true);

    // These fields are not a viable way of protecting sensitive information.
    // Unless backward compatibility with older versions of WordPerfect is essential,
    // we can safely remove these fields. We can do this using a DocumentVisiitor implementation.
    ASSERT_EQ(2, doc->get_Range()->get_Fields()->get_Count());

    auto remover = MakeObject<ExField::FieldPrivateRemover>();

    ASSERT_EQ(2, remover->GetFieldsRemovedCount());
    ASSERT_EQ(0, doc->get_Range()->get_Fields()->get_Count());

class FieldPrivateRemover : public DocumentVisitor
    FieldPrivateRemover() : mFieldsRemovedCount(0)
        mFieldsRemovedCount = 0;

    int GetFieldsRemovedCount()
        return mFieldsRemovedCount;

    VisitorAction VisitFieldEnd(SharedPtr<FieldEnd> fieldEnd) override
        if (fieldEnd->get_FieldType() == FieldType::FieldPrivate)

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    int mFieldsRemovedCount;

See Also