Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutOptions::get_ContinuousSectionPageNumberingRestart method

LayoutOptions::get_ContinuousSectionPageNumberingRestart method

Gets or sets the mode of behavior for computing page numbers when a continuous section restarts the page numbering.

Aspose::Words::Layout::ContinuousSectionRestart Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutOptions::get_ContinuousSectionPageNumberingRestart() const


Shows how to control page numbering in a continuous section.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Continuous section page numbering.docx");

// By default Aspose.Words behavior matches the Microsoft Word 2019.
// If you need old Aspose.Words behavior, repetitive Microsoft Word 2016, use 'ContinuousSectionRestart.FromNewPageOnly'.
// Page numbering restarts only if there is no other content before the section on the page where the section starts,
// because of that the numbering will reset to 2 from the second page.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Layout.RestartPageNumberingInContinuousSection.pdf");

See Also