Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions class
]RevisionOptions class
Allows to control how document revisions are handled during layout process. To learn more, visit the Converting to Fixed-page Format documentation article.
class RevisionOptions : public System::Object
Method | Description |
get_CommentColor() const | Allows to specify the color to be used for comments. Default value is Red. |
get_DeleteCellColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for deleted cells Deletion. Default value is Pink. |
get_DeletedTextColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for deleted content Deletion. Default value is ByAuthor. |
get_DeletedTextEffect() | Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the deleted content Deletion. Default value is StrikeThrough |
get_InsertCellColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for inserted cells Insertion. Default value is Blue. |
get_InsertedTextColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for inserted content Insertion. Default value is ByAuthor. |
get_InsertedTextEffect() | Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the inserted content Insertion. Default value is Underline. |
get_MeasurementUnit() const | Allows to specify the measurement units for revision comments. Default value is Centimeters |
get_MovedFromTextColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for areas where content was moved from Moving. Default value is ByAuthor. |
get_MovedFromTextEffect() | Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the areas where content was moved from Moving. Default value is DoubleStrikeThrough |
get_MovedToTextColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for areas where content was moved to Moving. Default value is ByAuthor. |
get_MovedToTextEffect() | Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the areas where content was moved to Moving. Default value is DoubleUnderline |
get_RevisedPropertiesColor() | Allows to specify the color to be used for content with changes of formatting properties FormatChange Default value is NoHighlight. |
get_RevisedPropertiesEffect() | Allows to specify the effect for content areas with changes of formatting properties FormatChange Default value is None |
get_RevisionBarsColor() const | Allows to specify the color to be used for side bars that identify document lines containing revised information. Default value is Red. |
get_RevisionBarsPosition() const | Gets or sets rendering position of revision bars. Default value is Outside. |
get_RevisionBarsWidth() const | Gets or sets width of revision bars, points. |
get_ShowInBalloons() const | Allows to specify whether the revisions are rendered in the balloons. Default value is None. |
get_ShowOriginalRevision() const | Allows to specify whether the original text should be shown instead of revised one. Default value is false. |
get_ShowRevisionBars() const | Allows to specify whether revision bars should be rendered near lines containing revised content. Default value is true. |
get_ShowRevisionMarks() const | Allow to specify whether revision text should be marked with special formatting markup. Default value is true. |
GetType() const override | |
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override | |
set_CommentColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_CommentColor. |
set_DeleteCellColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Allows to specify the color to be used for deleted cells Deletion. Default value is Pink. |
set_DeletedTextColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_DeletedTextColor. |
set_DeletedTextEffect(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionTextEffect) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_DeletedTextEffect. |
set_InsertCellColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Allows to specify the color to be used for inserted cells Insertion. Default value is Blue. |
set_InsertedTextColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_InsertedTextColor. |
set_InsertedTextEffect(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionTextEffect) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_InsertedTextEffect. |
set_MeasurementUnit(Aspose::Words::MeasurementUnits) | Allows to specify the measurement units for revision comments. Default value is Centimeters |
set_MovedFromTextColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_MovedFromTextColor. |
set_MovedFromTextEffect(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionTextEffect) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_MovedFromTextEffect. |
set_MovedToTextColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_MovedToTextColor. |
set_MovedToTextEffect(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionTextEffect) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_MovedToTextEffect. |
set_RevisedPropertiesColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_RevisedPropertiesColor. |
set_RevisedPropertiesEffect(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionTextEffect) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_RevisedPropertiesEffect. |
set_RevisionBarsColor(Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionColor) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_RevisionBarsColor. |
set_RevisionBarsPosition(Aspose::Words::Drawing::HorizontalAlignment) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_RevisionBarsPosition. |
set_RevisionBarsWidth(float) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_RevisionBarsWidth. |
set_ShowInBalloons(Aspose::Words::Layout::ShowInBalloons) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_ShowInBalloons. |
set_ShowOriginalRevision(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_ShowOriginalRevision. |
set_ShowRevisionBars(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_ShowRevisionBars. |
set_ShowRevisionMarks(bool) | Setter for Aspose::Words::Layout::RevisionOptions::get_ShowRevisionMarks. |
static Type() |
Shows how to alter the appearance of revisions in a rendered output document.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Insert a revision, then change the color of all revisions to green.
builder->Writeln(u"This is not a revision.");
doc->StartTrackRevisions(u"John Doe", System::DateTime::get_Now());
builder->Writeln(u"This is a revision.");
builder->Writeln(u"This is not a revision.");
// Remove the bar that appears to the left of every revised line.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.LayoutOptionsRevisions.pdf");
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Layout
- Library Aspose.Words for C++