Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_PlaceholderName method
]StructuredDocumentTag::get_PlaceholderName method
Gets or sets Name of the BuildingBlock containing placeholder text.
System::String Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_PlaceholderName() override
Shows how to use a building block’s contents as a custom placeholder text for a structured document tag.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
// Insert a plain text structured document tag of the "PlainText" type, which will function as a text box.
// The contents that it will display by default are a "Click here to enter text." prompt.
auto tag = MakeObject<StructuredDocumentTag>(doc, SdtType::PlainText, MarkupLevel::Inline);
// We can get the tag to display the contents of a building block instead of the default text.
// First, add a building block with contents to the glossary document.
SharedPtr<GlossaryDocument> glossaryDoc = doc->get_GlossaryDocument();
auto substituteBlock = MakeObject<BuildingBlock>(glossaryDoc);
substituteBlock->set_Name(u"Custom Placeholder");
substituteBlock->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->AppendParagraph(u"Custom placeholder text.");
// Then, use the structured document tag's "PlaceholderName" property to reference that building block by name.
tag->set_PlaceholderName(u"Custom Placeholder");
// If "PlaceholderName" refers to an existing block in the parent document's glossary document,
// we will be able to verify the building block via the "Placeholder" property.
ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(substituteBlock, tag->get_Placeholder());
// Set the "IsShowingPlaceholderText" property to "true" to treat the
// structured document tag's current contents as placeholder text.
// This means that clicking on the text box in Microsoft Word will immediately highlight all the tag's contents.
// Set the "IsShowingPlaceholderText" property to "false" to get the
// structured document tag to treat its contents as text that a user has already entered.
// Clicking on this text in Microsoft Word will place the blinking cursor at the clicked location.
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"StructuredDocumentTag.PlaceholderBuildingBlock.docx");
See Also
- Class StructuredDocumentTag
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Markup
- Library Aspose.Words for C++