Aspose::Words::Notes::EndnotePosition enum

EndnotePosition enum

Defines the endnote position.

enum class EndnotePosition


EndOfSection0Endnotes are output at the end of the section.
EndOfDocument3Endnotes are output at the end of the document.


Shows how to select a different place where the document collects and displays its endnotes.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// An endnote is a way to attach a reference or a side comment to text
// that does not interfere with the main body text's flow.
// Inserting an endnote adds a small superscript reference symbol
// at the main body text where we insert the endnote.
// Each endnote also creates an entry at the end of the document, consisting of a symbol
// that matches the reference symbol in the main body text.
// The reference text that we pass to the document builder's "InsertEndnote" method.
builder->Write(u"Hello world!");
builder->InsertFootnote(FootnoteType::Endnote, u"Endnote contents.");
builder->Write(u"This is the second section.");

// We can use the "Position" property to determine where the document will place all its endnotes.
// If we set the value of the "Position" property to "EndnotePosition.EndOfDocument",
// every footnote will show up in a collection at the end of the document. This is the default value.
// If we set the value of the "Position" property to "EndnotePosition.EndOfSection",
// every footnote will show up in a collection at the end of the section whose text contains the endnote's reference mark.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"InlineStory.PositionEndnote.docx");

See Also