Aspose::Words::Settings::OdsoRecipientData class

OdsoRecipientData class

Represents information about a single record within an external data source that is to be excluded from the mail merge. To learn more, visit the Mail Merge and Reporting documentation article.

class OdsoRecipientData : public System::Object


Clone()Returns a deep clone of this object.
get_Active() constSpecifies whether the record from the data source shall be imported into a document when the mail merge is performed. The default value is true.
get_Column() constSpecifies the column within the data source that contains unique data for the current record. The default value is 0.
get_Hash() constRepresents the hash code for this record. Sometimes Microsoft Word uses Hash of a whole record instead of a UniqueTag value. The default value is 0.
get_UniqueTag() constSpecifies the contents of a given record in the column containing unique data. The default value is null.
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
set_Active(bool)Specifies whether the record from the data source shall be imported into a document when the mail merge is performed. The default value is true.
set_Column(int32_t)Specifies the column within the data source that contains unique data for the current record. The default value is 0.
set_Hash(int32_t)Represents the hash code for this record. Sometimes Microsoft Word uses Hash of a whole record instead of a UniqueTag value. The default value is 0.
set_UniqueTag(const System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&)Specifies the contents of a given record in the column containing unique data. The default value is null.
static Type()


If a record shall be merged into a merged document, then no information is needed about that record. However, if a given record shall not be merged into a merged document, then the value of the unique key for that record shall be stored in the UniqueTag property of this object to indicate this exclusion.

See Also