Aspose::Words::Settings::ViewOptions::get_ViewType method

ViewOptions::get_ViewType method

Controls the view mode in Microsoft Word.

Aspose::Words::Settings::ViewType Aspose::Words::Settings::ViewOptions::get_ViewType() const


Although Aspose.Words is able to read and write this option, its usage is application-specific. For example MS Word 2013 does not respect the value of this option.


Shows how to set a custom zoom factor, which older versions of Microsoft Word will apply to a document upon loading.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
builder->Writeln(u"Hello world!");


ASSERT_EQ(ZoomType::Custom, doc->get_ViewOptions()->get_ZoomType());
ASSERT_EQ(ZoomType::None, doc->get_ViewOptions()->get_ZoomType());

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"ViewOptions.SetZoomPercentage.doc");

See Also