Aspose::Words::EditorType enum

EditorType enum

Specifies the set of possible aliases (or editing groups) which can be used as aliases to determine if the current user shall be allowed to edit a single range defined by an editable range within a document.

enum class EditorType


Unspecified0Means that editor type is not specified.
Administrators1Specifies that users associated with the Administrators group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Contributors2Specifies that users associated with the Contributors group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Current3Specifies that users associated with the Current group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Editors4Specifies that users associated with the Editors group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Everyone5Specifies that all users that open the document shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
None6Specifies that none of the users that open the document shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Owners7Specifies that users associated with the Owners group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
Defaultn/aSame as Unspecified.


Shows how to limit the editing rights of editable ranges to a specific group/user.

void Visitor()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
    doc->Protect(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, u"MyPassword");

    auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
    builder->Writeln(String(u"Hello world! Since we have set the document's protection level to read-only,") +
                     u" we cannot edit this paragraph without the password.");

    // When we write-protect documents, editable ranges allow us to pick specific areas that users may edit.
    // There are two mutually exclusive ways to narrow down the list of allowed editors.
    // 1 -  Specify a user:
    SharedPtr<EditableRange> editableRange = builder->StartEditableRange()->get_EditableRange();
    builder->Writeln(String::Format(u"This paragraph is inside the first editable range, can only be edited by {0}.", editableRange->get_SingleUser()));

    ASSERT_EQ(EditorType::Unspecified, editableRange->get_EditorGroup());

    // 2 -  Specify a group that allowed users are associated with:
    editableRange = builder->StartEditableRange()->get_EditableRange();
    builder->Writeln(String::Format(u"This paragraph is inside the first editable range, can only be edited by {0}.", editableRange->get_EditorGroup()));

    ASSERT_EQ(String::Empty, editableRange->get_SingleUser());

    builder->Writeln(u"This paragraph is outside the editable range, and cannot be edited by anybody.");

    // Print details and contents of every editable range in the document.
    auto editableRangePrinter = MakeObject<ExEditableRange::EditableRangePrinter>();


    std::cout << editableRangePrinter->ToText() << std::endl;

class EditableRangePrinter : public DocumentVisitor
    EditableRangePrinter() : mInsideEditableRange(false)
        mBuilder = MakeObject<System::Text::StringBuilder>();

    String ToText()
        return mBuilder->ToString();

    void Reset()
        mInsideEditableRange = false;

    VisitorAction VisitEditableRangeStart(SharedPtr<EditableRangeStart> editableRangeStart) override
        mBuilder->AppendLine(u" -- Editable range found! -- ");
        mBuilder->AppendLine(String(u"\tID:\t\t") + editableRangeStart->get_Id());
        if (editableRangeStart->get_EditableRange()->get_SingleUser() == String::Empty)
            mBuilder->AppendLine(String(u"\tGroup:\t") + System::ObjectExt::ToString(editableRangeStart->get_EditableRange()->get_EditorGroup()));
            mBuilder->AppendLine(String(u"\tUser:\t") + editableRangeStart->get_EditableRange()->get_SingleUser());

        mInsideEditableRange = true;

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitEditableRangeEnd(SharedPtr<EditableRangeEnd> editableRangeEnd) override
        mBuilder->AppendLine(u" -- End of editable range --\n");

        mInsideEditableRange = false;

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitRun(SharedPtr<Run> run) override
        if (mInsideEditableRange)
            mBuilder->AppendLine(String(u"\t\"") + run->get_Text() + u"\"");

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    bool mInsideEditableRange;
    SharedPtr<System::Text::StringBuilder> mBuilder;

See Also