Aspose::Words::Font::get_StyleIdentifier method

Font::get_StyleIdentifier method

Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the character style applied to this formatting.

Aspose::Words::StyleIdentifier Aspose::Words::Font::get_StyleIdentifier()


Shows how to change the style of existing text.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Below are two ways of referencing styles.
// 1 -  Using the style name:
builder->Writeln(u"Text originally in \"Emphasis\" style");

// 2 -  Using a built-in style identifier:
builder->Writeln(u"Text originally in \"Intense Emphasis\" style");

// Convert all uses of one style to another,
// using the above methods to reference old and new styles.
for (const auto& run : System::IterateOver(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Run, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Run>>()))
    if (run->get_Font()->get_StyleName() == u"Emphasis")

    if (run->get_Font()->get_StyleIdentifier() == StyleIdentifier::IntenseEmphasis)

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Font.ChangeStyle.docx");

See Also