Aspose::Words::IHyphenationCallback::RequestDictionary method
]IHyphenationCallback::RequestDictionary method
Notifies application that hyphenation dictionary for the specified language wasn’t found and may need to be registered. Implementation should find a dictionary and register it using RegisterDictionary() methods. If dictionary is unavailable for the specified language implementation can opt out of further calls for the same language using RegisterDictionary() with null value.
virtual void Aspose::Words::IHyphenationCallback::RequestDictionary(System::String language)=0
Parameter | Type | Description |
language | System::String | A language name, e.g. “en-US”. See .NET documentation for “culture name” and RFC 4646 for details. |
Shows how to open and register a dictionary from a file.
void RegisterDictionary()
// Set up a callback that tracks warnings that occur during hyphenation dictionary registration.
auto warningInfoCollection = MakeObject<WarningInfoCollection>();
// Register an English (US) hyphenation dictionary by stream.
SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> dictionaryStream = MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(MyDir + u"hyph_en_US.dic", System::IO::FileMode::Open);
Hyphenation::RegisterDictionary(u"en-US", dictionaryStream);
ASSERT_EQ(0, warningInfoCollection->get_Count());
// Open a document with a locale that Microsoft Word may not hyphenate on an English machine, such as German.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"German text.docx");
// To hyphenate that document upon saving, we need a hyphenation dictionary for the "de-CH" language code.
// This callback will handle the automatic request for that dictionary.
// When we save the document, German hyphenation will take effect.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary.pdf");
// This dictionary contains two identical patterns, which will trigger a warning.
ASSERT_EQ(1, warningInfoCollection->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(WarningType::MinorFormattingLoss, warningInfoCollection->idx_get(0)->get_WarningType());
ASSERT_EQ(WarningSource::Layout, warningInfoCollection->idx_get(0)->get_Source());
ASSERT_EQ(String(u"Hyphenation dictionary contains duplicate patterns. The only first found pattern will be used. ") +
u"Content can be wrapped differently.",
class CustomHyphenationDictionaryRegister : public IHyphenationCallback
mHyphenationDictionaryFiles = MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<String, String>>();
mHyphenationDictionaryFiles->Add(u"en-US", MyDir + u"hyph_en_US.dic");
mHyphenationDictionaryFiles->Add(u"de-CH", MyDir + u"hyph_de_CH.dic");
void RequestDictionary(String language) override
std::cout << (String(u"Hyphenation dictionary requested: ") + language);
if (Hyphenation::IsDictionaryRegistered(language))
std::cout << ", is already registered." << std::endl;
if (mHyphenationDictionaryFiles->ContainsKey(language))
Hyphenation::RegisterDictionary(language, mHyphenationDictionaryFiles->idx_get(language));
std::cout << ", successfully registered." << std::endl;
std::cout << ", no respective dictionary file known by this Callback." << std::endl;
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<String, String>> mHyphenationDictionaryFiles;
See Also
- Interface IHyphenationCallback
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++