Aspose::Words::License class

License class

Provides methods to license the component. To learn more, visit the Licensing and Subscription documentation article.

class License : public System::Object


GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
License()Initializes a new instance of this class.
SetLicense(const System::String&)Licenses the component.
SetLicense(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>&)Licenses the component.
SetLicense(std::basic_istream<CharType, Traits>&)
static Type()


Shows how initialize a license for Aspose.Words using a license file in the local file system.

// Set the license for our Aspose.Words product by passing the local file system filename of a valid license file.
String licenseFileName = System::IO::Path::Combine(LicenseDir, u"Aspose.Words.Cpp.lic");

auto license = MakeObject<License>();

// Create a copy of our license file in the binaries folder of our application.
String licenseCopyFileName = System::IO::Path::Combine(AssemblyDir, u"Aspose.Words.Cpp.lic");
System::IO::File::Copy(licenseFileName, licenseCopyFileName);

// If we pass a file's name without a path,
// the SetLicense will search several local file system locations for this file.
// One of those locations will be the "bin" folder, which contains a copy of our license file.

See Also