Aspose::Words::RevisionType enum

RevisionType enum

Specifies the type of change being tracked in Revision.

enum class RevisionType


Insertion0New content was inserted in the document.
Deletion1Content was removed from the document.
FormatChange2Change of formatting was applied to the parent node.
StyleDefinitionChange3Change of formatting was applied to the parent style.
Moving4Content was moved in the document.


Shows how to work with revisions in a document.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
builder->Write(u"This does not count as a revision. ");


// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc->StartTrackRevisions(u"John Doe", System::DateTime::get_Now());

builder->Write(u"This is revision #1. ");

ASSERT_EQ(1, doc->get_Revisions()->get_Count());

// This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
// The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
// and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
// If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.

// We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
SharedPtr<Revision> revision = doc->get_Revisions()->idx_get(0);
ASSERT_EQ(u"John Doe", revision->get_Author());
ASSERT_EQ(u"This is revision #1. ", revision->get_ParentNode()->GetText());
ASSERT_EQ(RevisionType::Insertion, revision->get_RevisionType());
ASSERT_EQ(revision->get_DateTime().get_Date(), System::DateTime::get_Now().get_Date());
ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(doc->get_Revisions()->get_Groups()->idx_get(0), revision->get_Group());

// Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.

// Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
ASSERT_EQ(RevisionType::Deletion, doc->get_Revisions()->idx_get(0)->get_RevisionType());
ASSERT_EQ(2, doc->get_Revisions()->get_Count());

// Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
// Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
// also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
ASSERT_EQ(u"This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc->GetText().Trim());

// Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
// and then remove the collection's revision itself.

ASSERT_EQ(1, doc->get_Revisions()->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"This is revision #1.", doc->GetText().Trim());

builder->Write(u"This is revision #2.");

// Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
SharedPtr<Node> node = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(1);
SharedPtr<Node> endNode = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(1)->get_NextSibling();
SharedPtr<Node> referenceNode = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);

while (node != endNode)
    SharedPtr<Node> nextNode = node->get_NextSibling();
    doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->InsertBefore(node, referenceNode);
    node = nextNode;

ASSERT_EQ(RevisionType::Moving, doc->get_Revisions()->idx_get(0)->get_RevisionType());
ASSERT_EQ(8, doc->get_Revisions()->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc->GetText().Trim());

// The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.

ASSERT_EQ(6, doc->get_Revisions()->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc->GetText().Trim());

See Also