Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::GetFieldNamesForRegion method

MailMerge::GetFieldNamesForRegion(const System::String&) method

Returns a collection of mail merge field names available in the region.

System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::GetFieldNamesForRegion(const System::String &regionName)
regionNameconst System::String&Region name (case-insensitive).


Returns full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.

If document contains multiple regions with the same name the very first region is processed.

A new string array is created on every call.


Shows how to create, list, and read mail merge regions.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// "TableStart" and "TableEnd" tags, which go inside MERGEFIELDs,
// denote the strings that signify the starts and ends of mail merge regions.
ASSERT_EQ(u"TableStart", doc->get_MailMerge()->get_RegionStartTag());
ASSERT_EQ(u"TableEnd", doc->get_MailMerge()->get_RegionEndTag());

// Use these tags to start and end a mail merge region named "MailMergeRegion1",
// which will contain MERGEFIELDs for two columns.
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableStart:MailMergeRegion1");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD Column1");
builder->Write(u", ");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD Column2");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:MailMergeRegion1");

// We can keep track of merge regions and their columns by looking at these collections.
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<SharedPtr<MailMergeRegionInfo>>> regions = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetRegionsByName(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(1, regions->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"MailMergeRegion1", regions->idx_get(0)->get_Name());

ArrayPtr<String> mergeFieldNames = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetFieldNamesForRegion(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(u"Column1", mergeFieldNames[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(u"Column2", mergeFieldNames[1]);

// Insert a region with the same name inside the existing region, which will make it a parent.
// Now a "Column2" field will be inside a new region.
builder->MoveToField(regions->idx_get(0)->get_Fields()->idx_get(1), false);
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableStart:MailMergeRegion1");
builder->MoveToField(regions->idx_get(0)->get_Fields()->idx_get(1), true);
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:MailMergeRegion1");

// If we look up the name of duplicate regions using the "GetRegionsByName" method,
// it will return all such regions in a collection.
regions = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetRegionsByName(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(2, regions->get_Count());
// Check that the second region now has a parent region.
ASSERT_EQ(u"MailMergeRegion1", regions->idx_get(1)->get_ParentRegion()->get_Name());

mergeFieldNames = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetFieldNamesForRegion(u"MailMergeRegion1", 1);

ASSERT_EQ(u"Column2", mergeFieldNames[0]);

See Also

MailMerge::GetFieldNamesForRegion(const System::String&, int32_t) method

Returns a collection of mail merge field names available in the region.

System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Words::MailMerging::MailMerge::GetFieldNamesForRegion(const System::String &regionName, int32_t regionIndex)
regionNameconst System::String&Region name (case-insensitive).
regionIndexint32_tRegion index (zero-based).


Returns full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.

If document contains multiple regions with the same name the Nth region (zero-based) is processed.

A new string array is created on every call.


Shows how to create, list, and read mail merge regions.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// "TableStart" and "TableEnd" tags, which go inside MERGEFIELDs,
// denote the strings that signify the starts and ends of mail merge regions.
ASSERT_EQ(u"TableStart", doc->get_MailMerge()->get_RegionStartTag());
ASSERT_EQ(u"TableEnd", doc->get_MailMerge()->get_RegionEndTag());

// Use these tags to start and end a mail merge region named "MailMergeRegion1",
// which will contain MERGEFIELDs for two columns.
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableStart:MailMergeRegion1");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD Column1");
builder->Write(u", ");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD Column2");
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:MailMergeRegion1");

// We can keep track of merge regions and their columns by looking at these collections.
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<SharedPtr<MailMergeRegionInfo>>> regions = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetRegionsByName(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(1, regions->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"MailMergeRegion1", regions->idx_get(0)->get_Name());

ArrayPtr<String> mergeFieldNames = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetFieldNamesForRegion(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(u"Column1", mergeFieldNames[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(u"Column2", mergeFieldNames[1]);

// Insert a region with the same name inside the existing region, which will make it a parent.
// Now a "Column2" field will be inside a new region.
builder->MoveToField(regions->idx_get(0)->get_Fields()->idx_get(1), false);
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableStart:MailMergeRegion1");
builder->MoveToField(regions->idx_get(0)->get_Fields()->idx_get(1), true);
builder->InsertField(u" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:MailMergeRegion1");

// If we look up the name of duplicate regions using the "GetRegionsByName" method,
// it will return all such regions in a collection.
regions = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetRegionsByName(u"MailMergeRegion1");

ASSERT_EQ(2, regions->get_Count());
// Check that the second region now has a parent region.
ASSERT_EQ(u"MailMergeRegion1", regions->idx_get(1)->get_ParentRegion()->get_Name());

mergeFieldNames = doc->get_MailMerge()->GetFieldNamesForRegion(u"MailMergeRegion1", 1);

ASSERT_EQ(u"Column2", mergeFieldNames[0]);

See Also