Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPropertyCollection class

CustomXmlPropertyCollection class

Represents a collection of custom XML attributes or smart tag properties. To learn more, visit the Structured Document Tags or Content Control documentation article.

class CustomXmlPropertyCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlProperty>>


Add(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlProperty>&)Adds a property to the collection.
Clear()Removes all elements from the collection.
Contains(const System::String&)Determines whether the collection contains a property with the given name.
get_Count()Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
GetEnumerator() overrideReturns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
GetType() const override
idx_get(const System::String&)Gets a property with the specified name.
idx_get(int32_t)Gets a property at the specified index.
IndexOfKey(const System::String&)Returns the zero-based index of the specified property in the collection.
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
Remove(const System::String&)Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
RemoveAt(int32_t)Removes a property at the specified index.
static Type()


Items are CustomXmlProperty objects.


Shows how to work with smart tag properties to get in depth information about smart tags.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Smart tags.doc");

// A smart tag appears in a document with Microsoft Word recognizes a part of its text as some form of data,
// such as a name, date, or address, and converts it to a hyperlink that displays a purple dotted underline.
// In Word 2003, we can enable smart tags via "Tools" -> "AutoCorrect options..." -> "SmartTags".
// In our input document, there are three objects that Microsoft Word registered as smart tags.
// Smart tags may be nested, so this collection contains more.
ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<SmartTag>> smartTags = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::SmartTag, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<SmartTag>>()->LINQ_ToArray();

ASSERT_EQ(8, smartTags->get_Length());

// The "Properties" member of a smart tag contains its metadata, which will be different for each type of smart tag.
// The properties of a "date"-type smart tag contain its year, month, and day.
SharedPtr<CustomXmlPropertyCollection> properties = smartTags[7]->get_Properties();

ASSERT_EQ(4, properties->get_Count());

    SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<SharedPtr<CustomXmlProperty>>> enumerator = properties->GetEnumerator();
    while (enumerator->MoveNext())
        std::cout << "Property name: " << enumerator->get_Current()->get_Name() << ", value: " << enumerator->get_Current()->get_Value() << std::endl;
        ASSERT_EQ(u"", enumerator->get_Current()->get_Uri());

// We can also access the properties in various ways, such as a key-value pair.
ASSERT_EQ(u"22", properties->idx_get(u"Day")->get_Value());
ASSERT_EQ(u"2003", properties->idx_get(2)->get_Value());
ASSERT_EQ(1, properties->IndexOfKey(u"Month"));

// Below are three ways of removing elements from the properties collection.
// 1 -  Remove by index:

ASSERT_EQ(3, properties->get_Count());

// 2 -  Remove by name:

ASSERT_EQ(2, properties->get_Count());

// 3 -  Clear the entire collection at once:

ASSERT_EQ(0, properties->get_Count());

See Also